[Abstract]:The simulation of natural scenery has been a popular research topic in computer graphics. It has a wide range of applications, including movie and television advertising, real-time rendering, 3D games, play design, virtual scene and other fields, with its unique charm occupying an important position in the information society. However, the shape of most natural scenery is random, such as flame, wave, river, waterfall, rain and snow, smoke, etc. It is difficult to describe the conventional modeling method and simulation technique, so the simulation of natural scenery is also a challenging subject. In this paper, on the basis of careful analysis and summarization of current domestic and foreign fountain simulation, a new simulation of virtual fountain based on particle system is put forward based on the virtual scene requirements and applications of game, film and so on. Methods. Main work and research results by analyzing the movement of the fountain, the movement of the fountain particles is simulated by the irregular movement of the random particles in the system, so that the fountain particles are transported It's more flexible. It's for the fountain's simulation. According to the different splash effect of the fountain water drops generated by different spray holes, the simulation of the water flowers and the ripple effect generated on the water surface of the fountain bead particles is enhanced on the basis of the original drawing fountain, and the fountain effect is increased In addition, a polygon patch is used instead of the point light source particles in the classical particle system to draw the particles, so that the number of particles in the particle system is greatly reduced and the system is improved. Finally, VC ++ 6.0 is used as the programming tool, the three-dimensional animation environment is supported by OpenGL, and the fountain simulation system based on particle system is developed under the environment of Windows XP.
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