本文关键词: 贵池方言 语音现状 历史演变 特点分析 出处:《天津师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:《安徽贵池方言语音研究》是在共时描写的基础上,借助相关历史文献,结合贵池方言所处方言格局,利用历史语言学等方法,对贵池方言的一些语音现象进行解释和描写,试图探究这些现象产生的原因,分析总结这些语音现象演变的历史层级及规律,并试图对这些规律做尝试性解释。全文以中古音为对比,描写了贵池方言语音演变的基本规律和自身特点,并结合周边地区的方言材料深入探讨了贵池方言的泥来母字声母、知系字声母、鼻化韵、入声调以及文白异读等问题。进而尝试对这些特殊语言现象的成因进行解释,并分析其历史层次及演变的历史轨迹。 本论文共分五章。第一章,介绍安徽贵池的地理人文背景及历史沿革、贵池方言音系概况、研究方法和材料来源。第二章,分析声母问题,探讨声母在贵池方言中的演变规律,重点讨论了古泥来母字声母、知系字声母今归并特点及其所揭示的历史层次、古见系字的文白异读现象。第三章,研究韵母问题,将古阴声韵、阳声韵分类讨论,依次探究其在今贵池方言里的演变与合流情况。重点讨论古阳声韵韵尾在贵池方言中的演变及发展趋势,分析其演变的历史轨迹,得出贵池方言阳声韵韵尾部分合并出现鼻化韵色彩时符合汉语语言由繁到简的演变规律。第四章,声调问题研究,描写了贵池方言古声调的演变基本规律,重点通过与周边方言的对比来探讨古入声调在贵池方言中的归派特点和其历史层次。并深入分析了古入声韵的文白异读现象、历史层次及发展趋势。第五章,结论,总结本论文的主要内容,对贵池方言的语音演变做出总结,贵池方言语音本身的发展会受到普通话的影响,同时方言自身的发展规律也扮演着重要的角色。贵池方言本身的归属问题值得作进一步的探讨与研究。
[Abstract]:The phonological study of Guichi dialect in Anhui Province is based on synchronic description, with the help of relevant historical documents, combined with the dialect pattern of Guichi dialect, historical linguistics and other methods. This paper explains and describes some phonetic phenomena in Guichi dialect, tries to explore the causes of these phenomena, and analyzes and summarizes the historical levels and laws of the evolution of these phonetic phenomena. And try to try to explain these laws. The full text of the ancient sound as a comparison, describes the basic law of the evolution of Guichi dialect pronunciation and its own characteristics. And combined with the surrounding area of the local dialect materials in-depth discussion of the Guichi dialect Nailai mother character consonant, know the system of the initial consonant, nasal rhyme. This paper tries to explain the causes of these special language phenomena and analyze the historical level and the historical track of their evolution. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the geographical and humanistic background and historical evolution of Guichi dialect, the general situation of the phonological system of Guichi dialect, research methods and sources of materials. Chapter two, the analysis of consonant problems. This paper probes into the evolution of consonants in Guichi dialect, and focuses on the consonants of ancient nailai characters, the characteristics of consonants of ancient Nilai characters and the historical levels revealed by them, and the phenomenon of different reading of ancient Chinese characters. Chapter three. This paper studies the vowel problem, classifies the ancient yin phonology and the yang phonetic rhyme, probes into the evolution and confluence of the ancient yin rhyme and yang rhyme in Guichi dialect in turn, and focuses on the evolution and development trend of the ancient yang rhyme in Guichi dialect. By analyzing the historical track of its evolution, it is concluded that the combination of the final part of Yang rhyme of Guichi dialect and the appearance of nasal rhyme color accord with the evolution of Chinese language from complexity to simplicity. Chapter 4th, study on tone problems. This paper describes the basic law of the evolution of ancient tones in Guichi dialect. Through the comparison with the surrounding dialects, this paper probes into the characteristics and historical levels of the ancient intonation tone in Guichi dialect, and deeply analyzes the phenomenon, historical level and development trend of the ancient intonation rhyme. Chapter 5th. Conclusion: summing up the main contents of this paper, the phonetic evolution of Guichi dialect is summarized, and the development of the pronunciation itself will be affected by Putonghua. At the same time, the development law of dialect itself also plays an important role.
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