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发布时间:2018-01-27 08:47

  本文关键词: 本义 引申义 假借义 引申方式 出处:《信阳师范学院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:汉语成语是汉语在发展中形成的约定俗成的固定短语。多数成语形成于先秦时代,据统计,商务印书馆2004年8月出版的《成语大词典》所收1700多条成语中,89.6%的成语源于古代。从古汉语发展到现代汉语,古汉语的许多特点已经消失,而成语却把古汉语的许多特点、因素保留下来,汉语成语在古代汉语和现代汉语的传承上占有重要地位,它是汉语词汇系统中重要而又极富特色的组成部分。也正因如此,它的词汇意义容易引起后人的误解或不解,面对成语中单音节词的意义引申、假借用法等时,更容易出现理解偏差;相关字典辞书或局限于体例、或受制于篇幅,对词汇意义的解释大多停留在平面上的共时性的描述,难以对其意义演变做历时性地解说,也就不能很好地解决部分成语词义的古今差异问题。 本文重点对部分成语中的单音词词义做出考释,兼顾辨析部分成语中的词组。沟通成语中单音词古今义项的引申关系,有时是多重引申关系,需要梳理清楚引申脉络;阐明成语中假借用字现象,用假借字是古汉语的习惯做法,在成语中也不例外,许多成语之所以对今人造成理解困难,就是因为其使用了假借字,说明其中的“本字”与“借字”及其二者的关系,对成语的疑惑则涣然冰释;说明成语中简化字前后汉字的替代情况,由于近现代以来的简化字运动,导致一部分汉字被废弃,而其功能则由另一些字兼代,如“生灵涂炭”中的“涂”,意指“泥”,实际上“涂”字是没有这个意义的,在这里是它兼代了“XW”的意义,而“XW”则在简化汉字过程中被废弃;对相关字典辞书的失误之处作辩难、释疑、正误、溯源等方面的工作。以达到准确理解成语、更好地运用成语的目的;同时或可弥补通行辞书的疏漏之处,供修订时参考。
[Abstract]:Chinese idioms are fixed phrases formed in the development of Chinese. Most of the idioms were formed in the pre-Qin period, according to statistics. In August 2004, the Commercial Press published the Dictionary of idioms. 89. 6% of the more than 1, 700 idioms came from ancient Chinese to modern Chinese. Many features of ancient Chinese have disappeared, but idioms have preserved many characteristics and factors of ancient Chinese. Chinese idioms play an important role in the inheritance of ancient Chinese and modern Chinese. It is an important and characteristic part of the Chinese lexical system. Because of this, its lexical meaning is easy to be misunderstood or confused by later generations, in the face of the meaning extension of monosyllabic words in idioms, the use of false loans and so on. Misunderstandings are more likely to occur; Dictionary dictionaries are limited to style, or restricted by space, the interpretation of lexical meaning mostly stays in the plane of synchronic description, it is difficult to make a diachronic explanation of its meaning evolution. It can not solve the problem of the differences between ancient and modern idioms. This paper focuses on the monosyllabic words in some idioms to make a textual interpretation, and to analyze the phrases in some idioms. Communication in idioms monosyllabic words in the ancient and modern meanings of the extension relationship, sometimes multi-extension relationship. Need to sort out the extension of the context; Expounding the phenomenon of false loan in idioms, using false loan characters is the customary practice of ancient Chinese, and it is no exception in idioms. Many idioms make it difficult for people to understand them because of their use of false loan characters. Explaining the relationship between "this word" and "borrow word" and their relationship, the confusion of idiom is not clear. It explains the substitution of Chinese characters before and after simplified characters in idioms. As a result of the movement of simplified characters since modern times, some Chinese characters have been abandoned, while their functions have been replaced by other characters, such as "smearing" in "life and life". The meaning means "mud", in fact, the word "painted" has no such meaning, in this case, it also represents the meaning of "XW", while "XW" is abandoned in the process of simplifying Chinese characters. In order to understand idioms accurately and make better use of idioms, it is difficult to argue, explain doubt, correct and wrong, trace back to the source. At the same time may be able to make up for the gaps in the dictionaries, for revision of the reference.


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