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发布时间:2018-02-03 10:42

  本文关键词: 汉泰对比 副词“也” 偏误分析 出处:《西南大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文对现代汉语中使用频率极高的多功能副词“也”进行了多角度的考察和分析,从句法形式、语义特征和语用功能等方面描写和解释了“也”的内部差异。本文运用语料分析、调查分析、中泰语言对比分析等研究方法,考察多功能副词“也”使用的句法和语义条件。 为了进一步了解泰国学生们在使用副词“也”的过程中产生的问题,本文还对泰国孔敬大学三年级和四年级的汉语学习者习得汉语副词“也”的偏误情况进行了调查,总结得出了错序偏误、误代偏误两种偏误类型,并分析这两种偏误出现的原因,即:(一)学生在语义、结构和语用方面没有掌握好汉语副词“也”的规则;(二)学生受到母语的迁移较多。 文章最后还针对泰语的特殊性以及泰国学生习得汉副词“也”的实际问题,重点对比两种语言结构的异同性,提出了相关的教学建议,比如:加强汉泰语言对比分析,克服母语的负迁移;遵循由简到繁,由易到难的教学原则;运用合适得当的教学方法及技巧等等。 本文通过对比研究、问卷调查和偏误分析,发现问题,总结规律,以期对泰国学生学习汉语有所帮助,能够为对外汉语教学和研究提供参考。
[Abstract]:This paper examines and analyzes the multifunctional adverb "Ye", which is frequently used in modern Chinese, from various angles, from the syntactic form. Semantic features and pragmatic functions describe and explain the internal differences of "also". This paper uses corpus analysis, investigation and analysis, Sino-Thai language comparative analysis and other research methods. This paper examines the syntactic and semantic conditions of the multifunctional adverb "Ye". In order to further understand the Thai students in the use of adverbs "also" process of the problem. This paper also investigates the errors in the acquisition of the Chinese adverb "Ye" by the third and fourth year Chinese learners of Kong Jing University in Thailand, and concludes two types of errors, namely, the wrong order error and the wrong generation error. The causes of these two errors are analyzed, that is, the students do not grasp the rules of Chinese adverb "also" in terms of semantics, structure and pragmatics. (B) students are more affected by the transfer of their mother tongue. In the end, aiming at the particularity of Thai and the practical problem of Thai students' acquisition of Chinese adverb "Ya", the author compares the similarities and differences between the two languages, and puts forward some teaching suggestions. For example: strengthening the comparative analysis of Chinese and Thai languages to overcome the negative transfer of mother tongue; Follow the teaching principles from simplicity to complexity and from easy to difficult; Use appropriate teaching methods and techniques, etc. Through comparative study, questionnaire survey and error analysis, this paper finds out the problems and summarizes the rules in order to help Thai students learn Chinese and provide reference for teaching and studying Chinese as a foreign language.


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