本文选题:梨园戏 切入点:用韵考察 出处:《福建师范大学》2012年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:泉州传统梨园戏距今已有八百多年的历史,是中国现存最古老的剧种之一,被誉为“古南戏活化石”。因其严格的师承,该剧种保留了许多泉州话的古语特色。从传统经典剧目入手,全面考察地方戏曲用韵,探讨地方戏曲语言的特点,可以帮助我们了解方言的发展演变。 本文对梨园戏三个流派的戏曲用韵进行穷尽式的梳理、分析,并统计每个韵脚字出现的频率,归纳出泉州传统梨园戏韵部系统共20韵部,包括83个韵母。在对梨园戏用韵进行全面考察的基础上,我们得出以下几个结论:一、梨园戏押韵中入声韵难以独立韵部;二、“韵母之间可以跨韵类相押”和“-m、-n、-(?)三种阳声韵尾之间可以通押”是梨园戏押韵最显著的两个特征;三、明清至现代四五百年间的梨园戏韵部系统具有高度的一致性;四、梨园戏韵母系统与现代泉州话韵母系统最大的差别在于,一组具有[(?)]介音的韵母已消失。 对梨园戏用韵进行全面考察,为我们构拟明代甚至更早年代的泉州话韵母系统和《_Y音妙悟》的韵母系统、研究四五百年来闽南方音的演变提供了宝贵而鲜活的材料。这项研究不仅有助于我们对梨园戏音韵体系的面貌有进一步的了解,而且可以丰富对汉语语音史的认识,为近代汉语语音史的研究提供助力。研究成果还可以帮助梨园戏演员从语音学和音韵学的角度,了解该剧种的语音系统及其特点;亦可为该剧种今后培养新演员在字音上提供参考。
[Abstract]:Quanzhou traditional Li Yuan Opera has a history of more than 800 years. It is one of the oldest opera species existing in China and is known as the "living fossil of Ancient South Opera." This kind of play retains many of the ancient features of Quanzhou dialect. Starting from the traditional classical repertoire, the author makes a comprehensive investigation of the rhyme of the local opera and discusses the characteristics of the local opera language, which can help us to understand the development and evolution of the dialect. In this paper, the rhyme of the three schools of Liyuan Opera is analyzed, and the frequency of each rhyme character is counted. The author concludes that the rhyme system of Quanzhou traditional Liyuan Opera consists of 20 prosody parts. It includes 83 vowels. On the basis of a comprehensive investigation of the rhyme in Liyuan opera, we draw the following conclusions: first, the rhyme in the rhyme of Liyuan opera is difficult to be independent of rhyme; (3) the rhyme system of Li Yuan opera from Ming and Qing dynasties to modern four or five hundred years has a high degree of consistency; fourth, the rhyme system of Li Yuan opera has a high degree of consistency. The biggest difference between the vowel system of Liyuan opera and the vowel system of modern Quanzhou dialect is that a group has. The vowels of the sound have disappeared. A comprehensive investigation of the rhyme used in Liyuan Opera is carried out to construct the vowels system of Quanzhou dialect and the vowel system of "Y Yin Miao Wu" in the Ming Dynasty and even earlier years. The study of the evolution of local sounds in southern Fujian over the past four or five hundred years has provided valuable and fresh materials. This study not only helps us to have a better understanding of the features of the phonological system of Liyuan Opera, but also enriches our understanding of the history of Chinese pronunciation. The research results can also help the Li Yuan opera actors to understand the phonological system and characteristics of the drama from the perspective of phonetics and phonology. It can also be used as a reference for the future training of new actors in the play.
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