发布时间:2018-03-11 06:26
本文选题:同声传译 切入点:省略 出处:《上海外国语大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:省略在同声传译(同传)中是一种常见的现象。虽然之前已有一些学者对同传中的省略进行过研究,但这些研究还远远不够。目前为止,关于同传中的省略究竟是一种失误还是有效的策略这一问题,学术界似乎还没有统一的意见。此外,对于省略的可接受性的评判标准也未见深入的讨论。因此,本文选择同传中的省略作为研究对象,尝试对此展开较为系统的研究,旨在对于省略在同传中所扮演的角色提供一种客观的认识,并且对如何在同传实践中正确运用省略策略提出一些建议。 本文首先介绍了同传的基本理论和之前学者对于省略的研究,继而结合多任务处理模式和语言经济原则的理论探究引起同传中省略的根本原因。对于引起省略的原因的探究证明了省略在同传中是不可避免的。因此,本文将研究重点放在如何正确运用而非如何避免同传中的省略。通过展开观察性研究,本文总结出了九种同传中常见的省略现象,而进一步的分析表明一些省略是可接受的,而另一些是不可接受的。之后,本文就如何判断省略的可接受性进行了探讨,,结果发现那些导致严重信息丢失和偏离原语意思的省略应被视作失误。最后,本文提出了一些在同传实践中如何正确运用省略策略的建议。
[Abstract]:Ellipsis is a common phenomenon in simultaneous interpretation. Although some scholars have studied it before, these studies are far from enough. The academic community does not seem to have a unified opinion as to whether ellipsis in the same transmission is an error or an effective strategy. Moreover, there is no in-depth discussion on the criteria for the acceptability of ellipsis. This paper chooses the ellipsis in the same biography as the object of study, and tries to carry out a systematic study on it in order to provide an objective understanding of the role of ellipsis in the same biography. And put forward some suggestions on how to correctly use ellipsis strategy in the practice of simultaneous transmission. This paper first introduces the basic theory of simultaneous transmission and previous studies on ellipsis by scholars. Then, combining the theory of multitasking and linguistic economic principle, this paper explores the fundamental cause of ellipsis in the same transmission, and proves that ellipsis is inevitable in the same transmission. This paper focuses on how to use the ellipsis correctly rather than how to avoid the ellipsis in the same transmission. Through an observational study, this paper summarizes nine common ellipsis phenomena in the same transmission, and further analysis shows that some ellipses are acceptable. After that, this paper discusses how to judge the acceptability of ellipsis, and finds that the ellipsis that leads to the loss of serious information and deviation from the meaning of the original should be regarded as a mistake. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to use ellipsis strategy correctly in the practice of simultaneous transmission.