发布时间:2018-03-14 09:28
本文选题:现代汉字 切入点:笔顺 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:现代汉字笔顺规范问题与汉字标准化中的“定形”和“定序”息息相关,对于进一步促进语言文字工作的规范化、标准化具有十分积极的意义。同时,现代汉字笔顺的规范,对帮助人们正确、牢固地识记汉字,快速、美观地书写汉字,准确、便捷地检索汉字等,也具有十分重要的意义。 本文系统地梳理了汉字笔顺的发展,认为汉字的笔顺是在汉字书体由甲骨文、金文、大篆、小篆到隶书、楷书等演进过程中逐步形成和完善的。隶书出现以前,汉字以线条为元素,没有明确笔画的起止顺序以及笔画的先后顺序。隶变以后,汉字实现了笔画化,逐渐形成了笔顺规则。楷书的成熟促使汉字笔顺规则趋于完备。现代汉字则在国家语言文字相关部门的领导和支持下,使汉字笔顺规则越来越科学、合理和规范。 现代汉字现行笔顺存在着笔顺规则相对繁琐难记、部分规则之间相互掣肘、部分规则间参照依据不同、部分规范标准存在失范现象等问题。现代汉字笔顺应在遵循便捷性原则、协调性原则和传承性原则下,从汉字笔画的规范标准和整字笔顺的规范标准两个维度对其予以具体的规范。汉字笔顺的规范应该先遵照“空间位置关系”规则,将结构复杂的汉字拆分成一个个“部件”,再遵照“笔画组合关系”规则,逐一明确组成该汉字的每个“部件”的笔顺。
[Abstract]:The standardization of modern Chinese characters stroke sequence is closely related to the "shape" and "ordering" in the standardization of Chinese characters, which has a very positive significance for further promoting the standardization of language and characters, and at the same time, the standardization of modern Chinese characters' strokes. It is also of great significance to help people memorize Chinese characters correctly and firmly, write Chinese characters quickly and aesthetically, and retrieve Chinese characters accurately and conveniently. This paper systematically combs the development of Chinese characters' strokes, and thinks that the Chinese characters' strokes are gradually formed and perfected during the evolution process of Chinese characters' calligraphy from oracle bone script, gold script, big seal character, small seal character to official script, regular script, etc. Before the appearance of official script, Chinese characters take lines as elements, and there is no clear starting and ending order of strokes and the sequence of strokes. The maturation of regular script promotes the perfection of the rules of Chinese characters, while modern Chinese characters, with the leadership and support of the relevant departments of national languages and characters, make the rules more scientific, reasonable and standardized. The present stroke rules of modern Chinese characters are relatively cumbersome and difficult to remember, some of the rules are mutually restricted, and some of the rules refer to each other according to different bases. Some of the standard standards have some problems such as anomie. Modern Chinese characters should follow the principles of convenience, coordination and inheritance. From the two dimensions of the standard standard of Chinese character stroke and the standard standard of whole character stroke, the specification of Chinese character stroke should be governed by the rule of "spatial position relation". The complicated Chinese characters are divided into "parts", and then according to the rule of "stroke combination relationship", the stroke sequence of each "component" of the Chinese character is defined one by one.
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