本文选题:话语标记语 切入点:口语交际 出处:《四川师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:话语标记语可涵盖一些副词,连词,感叹词甚至部分短语或小句,在日常语言使用中几乎无处不在,它是口语交际中所特有的一种语用机制。其得体的使用和恰当的理解是交际者语用能力中很重要的一面,因为对其灵活的运用不仅可以使说话者在交际中表达连贯,也能使其成功巧妙地处理信息。然而,现在关于话语标记语的定义,各国学者仍然没有对其达成一致。但从目前研究成果来看,大多数学者认为话语标记语在口语交际中出现的高频率性与所具有的多功能性是无可争议的事实。虽然它们不对交际话语的真值条件产生任何影响,而且也不会受限制于语言的句法结构,但其恰当的使用不仅能够对交际过程中语言使用者构建话语和理解话语产生影响,而且对语用得体性及维持社会层面上的人际关系起着重要的作用。因此,研究口语交际中的话语标记语有着重要的意义。 近年来国内外许多学者已从句法语用角度,语义语用角度,认知语用角度等不同角度对话语标记语进行了讨论。然而这些研究只涉及了话语标记语的某些方面,未能全面地对其进行系统分析。本文尝试以维索尔伦提出的语言顺应论来分析口语交际中的话语标记语,旨在对人们在日常口际交际中使用话语标记语进行全面系统的分析。 维索尔伦提出的语言顺应论是从全面语用角度研究言语交际的理论,它为我们从语言,认知,社会以及文化的综合角度对话语标记语在口语交际中产生的原因及功能进行研究提供了依据。在口语交际过程中,交际者根据语言所具有的变异性,商讨性和顺应性,不断地根据高度灵活的原则有意或无意地对语言做出种种选择以满足交际的需要。 本文从口语交际的特点和目标出发,以维索尔伦提出的语言顺应论为理论框架,指明话语标记语的存在动因和形成条件。并通过分析口语交际的特点和交际所要达到目标之间的矛盾,得出话语标记语的使用是交际者交际策略选择的结果,旨在弥补两者产生的矛盾。接而进一步以顺应理论为基础,交际者的语言选择从宏观的交际策略的选择转向具体话语标记语语言形式的选择。在交际过程中,说话者选择特定的话语标记语用以顺应不同的动态语境以及语言结构进而达到成功交际的目的。与此同时,话话标记语的整个选择顺应过程是动态而非静态的,并且交际者在选择,作出顺应时表现出不同层次的意识突显性。
[Abstract]:Discourse markers can cover some adverbs, conjunctions, interjections and even some phrases or clauses. They are almost ubiquitous in everyday language use. They are a special pragmatic mechanism in oral communication.Its proper use and proper understanding is an important aspect of the communicative pragmatic competence, because its flexible use can not only make the speaker express coherence in communication, but also enable the speaker to deal with information successfully and skillfully.However, there is still no agreement on the definition of discourse markers.However, from the current research results, most scholars believe that the high frequency and versatility of discourse markers in oral communication is an indisputable fact.Although they have no effect on the truth-value conditions of the communicative utterance and are not limited to the syntactic structure of the language, their proper use can not only have an impact on the construction and understanding of the utterance by the language users in the process of communication.Moreover, it plays an important role in pragmatic appropriateness and maintaining social interpersonal relations.Therefore, it is of great significance to study discourse markers in oral communication.In recent years, many scholars at home and abroad have discussed discourse markers from different perspectives, such as the use of clause in French, semantic pragmatics and cognitive pragmatics.However, these studies only deal with some aspects of discourse markers and fail to systematically analyze them.This paper attempts to analyze discourse markers in oral communication by using the linguistic adaptation Theory put forward by Versollen in order to make a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the use of discourse markers in daily interoral communication.The theory of linguistic adaptation proposed by Visorun is a comprehensive pragmatic approach to verbal communication, which provides us with a perspective on language and cognition.Social and cultural perspectives provide a basis for the study of the causes and functions of discourse markers in oral communication.In the process of oral communication, according to the variability, negotiation and adaptability of language, the communicator constantly makes various choices to meet the needs of communication according to the highly flexible principle.Starting from the characteristics and objectives of oral communication, this paper takes the linguistic adaptation Theory put forward by Versollen as the theoretical framework, and points out the reasons for the existence and the conditions for the formation of discourse markers.By analyzing the contradiction between the characteristics of oral communication and the goal of communication, it is concluded that the use of discourse markers is the result of communicative strategy choice, and aims to remedy the contradiction between the two.Then, on the basis of adaptation theory, the language choice of the communicator shifts from the macro communication strategy to the specific discourse marker language form.In the process of communication, the speaker chooses specific discourse markers to adapt to different dynamic context and language structure to achieve the purpose of successful communication.At the same time, the whole process of choice and adaptation of verbal markers is dynamic rather than static, and the communicators show different levels of awareness salience in choosing and making adaptation.
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