本文选题:法律术语 + 法律翻译 ; 参考:《山东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:法律翻译历史悠久,是不同国家间法律交流的重要媒介。全球化使其影响和作用在多语种时代与日俱增。我国目前法律翻译内容繁多、数量庞大、质量良莠不齐,探究法律翻译理论与实践对指导法律翻译工作有一定现实意义。 严谨准确是法律翻译最大特点,这要求译者的翻译既符合目标语法律语言特点又保留源语文本内涵。法律术语是法律语言的基本单位,其翻译是否得当直接影响法律翻译质量。法律语言是文化的产物,深受特定法律体系的政治、社会、历史、习俗等各种文化影响。不同法系的一些法律术语因文化差异无法完全对等,需译者根据实际、运用相应翻译方法、译出法律术语的恰当意义。 萨尔切维奇的“法律翻译中术语不对等理论”分析比较源语与目标语法律术语是否对等,总结出完全对等、部分对等和完全不对等三种情况。依据该理论,,可适情况选择几种常用法律术语翻译方法,以弥补文化差异造成的翻译空缺。 本文首先介绍了“文化”、“法律文化”、“法律翻译”、“法律术语”、“法律术语翻译”等相关概念及基本内涵。简要阐述法律文化差异对法律术语翻译的影响原因、方式和表现。随后例举关于法律术语翻译研究的三类主要理论:关联理论、比较法律方法、对等理论。详细介绍了对等理论的理论框架及萨尔切维奇的“法律翻译中术语不对等理论”及据该理论可运用的直译、意译、词义扩展、借词、创造新词等法律术语翻译方法。在翻译实践中,可适当选择一种或几种翻译方法译词,通过比较分析选择最佳翻译。
[Abstract]:Legal translation has a long history and is an important medium for legal exchange between different countries. Globalization has made it more and more influential and effective in the multilingual era. At present, the content of legal translation in China is various, the quantity is huge and the quality is uneven. It is of practical significance to explore the theory and practice of legal translation to guide the legal translation. Rigorous and accurate translation is the most important feature of legal translation, which requires the translator's translation not only to accord with the legal language characteristics of the target language, but also to retain the connotation of the source language. Legal terminology is the basic unit of legal language and its translation directly affects the quality of legal translation. Legal language is the product of culture, deeply influenced by politics, society, history, custom and so on. Some legal terms in different legal systems can not be fully equivalent due to cultural differences, so the translator should use the corresponding translation methods to translate the proper meaning of legal terms according to the actual situation. Sarchevich's Theory of Non-equivalence in legal Translation analyzes and compares the equivalence of legal terms between source language and target language, and concludes three situations: complete equivalence, partial equivalence and complete non-equivalence. According to this theory, several translation methods of common legal terms can be chosen in order to make up for the translation gap caused by cultural differences. This paper first introduces the concepts of "culture", "legal culture", "legal translation", "legal terminology", "legal term translation" and so on. This paper briefly expounds the reasons, ways and manifestations of the legal cultural differences affecting the translation of legal terms. Three main theories about the translation of legal terms are listed as follows: relevance theory, comparative legal method and equivalence theory. This paper introduces in detail the theoretical framework of equivalence theory, Sarcevich's Theory of Non-equivalence in legal Translation and the translation methods of legal terms such as literal translation, free translation, extension of word meaning, loan and creation of new words. In translation practice, we can choose one or more translation methods and choose the best translation through comparative analysis.
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