本文选题:《汉语大字典》 + 异体字 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:《汉语大字典》(简称《汉大》)是当今世界上收集汉字最多、释义最全、规模最大的汉语字典之一,现共有1990年和2010年两个版本,收60000余单字。《汉大》在正文中用“同X”、“X的讹字”、“后作X”等形式对异体关系进行了标注,二版的修改也涉及了异体字方面的增删改换。 我们建立了Access数据库对《汉大》中的异体字进行了穷尽性的整理和搜集,对于二版的修改也进行了相应的标注。所以本文的数据以一版为基础,同时也展现了二版的主要修改情况。本文的研究主要有以下三个方面: 一、异体字术语标注的研究。《汉大》正文中实际使用的术语远多于其在凡例中的说明。本章中,我们将所有术语分为四类,并对各个术语进行了详细的归纳分析。 二、异体字关系字标注的研究。本章主要分为两大块,一是关系标注形式,其并不局限于单字,还有括号、顿号和复音词等形式;二是字头字和关系字“互注”的情况。 三、异体字校订。虽然二版进行了提高性的修改,但是在分析材料中,我们仍然发现了一些异体关系在义项、读音等方面的问题,而且有些问题是比较复杂的。 根据以上的研究,我们得出了以下结论: 一、《汉大》在术语使用方面存在同一功能不同表述、同一术语下收录多种字际关系等问题。但是也有指出具体异体类型、术语使用实事求是等优点。 二、《汉大》的各种异体字标注形式和互注各有优缺点,但是使用上存在随意性,而且其在实际操作上还需要进一步的讨论和思考。 三、二版修改涉及异体字的部分,基本上是正确的。但是也存在不提供新的书证就修改,甚至修改错误的情况。我们对一些异体关系进行了校订,但是数量不多,还有很大继续研究的空间。
[Abstract]:The Chinese Dictionary is one of the largest Chinese dictionaries in the world, which contains more than 60000 characters in 1990 and 2010. In the form of "error word of X", "X" and so on, the allogeneic relationship is marked. The revision of the second edition also involves the addition and deletion of the variant characters. We have established the Access database to collect and collect the variant characters in the Chinese University of China, and the revision of the second edition has also been annotated accordingly. Therefore, the data of this paper is based on the first edition, but also shows the main changes of the second edition. The research of this paper mainly includes the following three aspects: first, the research on the term tagging of variant characters. The actual terms used in the text are far more than the explanations in the examples. In this chapter, we divide all terms into four categories, and analyze them in detail. This chapter is mainly divided into two parts, one is the form of relation tagging, which is not limited to single words, but also the form of parentheses, tongues and polysyllabic words, the other is the situation of "mutually annotated" between the word header and the relation word, and the third, the revision of the variant character. Although the second edition has been modified, but in the analysis of the material, we still found some allogeneic relations in the meaning, pronunciation and other aspects of the problem, and some of the problems are more complex. According to the above research, The main conclusions are as follows: first, there are some problems in the use of the same terms, such as different expressions of the same function, and many interword relations under the same term. But they also point out the advantages of specific heterogeneous types and the use of terms that seek truth from facts. Second, the various forms of variant characters in "Handa" have their own merits and demerits, but their use is arbitrary. Moreover, it needs further discussion and consideration in practice. Third, the second edition of the revision of the part involving variant, is basically correct. But there are also cases of modification or even error without providing new documentary evidence. We have revised some allogeneic relations, but the number is small and there is still a lot of room for further study.
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