[Abstract]:Both Korean and Chinese have idioms. Idioms are a kind of idiomatic fixed phrases with strong rhetorical color and get rhetorical meaning by means of metaphor and so on. So its meaning cannot be deduced literally. In daily life, body idioms are used frequently and widely. Taking the idioms of "hand" and "foot" in Korean and Chinese as the research object, this paper analyzes the body idioms in Korean and Chinese, with the aim of revealing the common points and differences between the two languages in the use of idioms. The full text is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which expounds the purpose, research content and methods of the thesis, makes a simple combing of the research on the body idioms of Korean and Chinese, and determines the research scope of the body idioms of Korean and Chinese. The second and third chapters are the core of this paper. The second chapter analyzes the similarities and differences in structure and semantics of Korean and Chinese idioms about hand. The idioms about "hand" can be divided into the same structure and different structure in Korean. In terms of semantics, it can be divided into Korean and Han shared semantics and non-shared semantics. The third chapter analyzes the similarities and differences in structure and semantics of Korean and Chinese idioms about feet. The structure is divided into the same structure and different structure, Korean unique idioms three cases. The same semantics and different semantics are deeply analyzed, and the idioms of "hand" and "foot" are found to have their own characteristics. The fourth chapter is the conclusion of this paper, summarized and summarized the Korean and Han "hand" and "foot" idioms.
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