[Abstract]:This paper studies homosexuality in Chinese from the perspective of linguistics . It mainly includes two aspects : the interpretation of homosexuality in Chinese and the investigation of the use of homosexuality in Chinese .
This paper is divided into three parts . The first part mainly expounds the theory and research situation of " language and sex " .
Some lesbian couples are more masculine in speaking ways , and they also use words that men use . In this way , the linguist put forward the " language and language " theory to solve the problem of homosexuality .
The second part mainly studies the definition of homosexuality - related words in Chinese . In this paper , homosexuality - related words in Chinese are divided into four parts : ancient homosexuality , modern homosexuality , modern homosexuality , and homosexuality - related subcultures .
The third part is to investigate the use of homosexuality - related words in modern Chinese . The data collection is carried out in the form of anonymous questionnaire . In the life , such as homosexual activity places and so on , the questionnaire is filled out through the questionnaire on the network . The data obtained from the questionnaire are presented in the form of a list , so as to predict the application trend of homosexuality - related words in Chinese and further speculate the causes .
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