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发布时间:2018-07-27 12:19
【摘要】:随着我国综合国力的日益强大,社会经济的飞速发展,中国在国际上拥有了越来越多的话语权,国际地位大幅提升。其他国家更希望与中国开展友好合作,促进交流。因此,“汉语热”成为了流行的文化趋势,继而孔子学院应运而生,并迅速成为国外学者认识和研究中国语言、了解中国文化的重要渠道之一。孔子学院自产生以来,在全球扩展迅速,很快在世界五大洲的百余个国家都能够看到孔子学院的身影。为中外文化的传播和发展建立了桥梁,也为增进我国与他国间的友谊做出了贡献。 孔子学院的发展繁荣让我们欣喜,但同时我们也意识到:孔子学院在发展的过程中仍存在诸多问题。因此,笔者不但以法国法语联盟等驻外语言机构为例,,进行对比分析,而且更加注重分析了我校国际教育学院在海外创办的两所孔子学院——美国迈阿密大学孔子学院以及意大利米兰大学孔子学院。 作为我院承办的两个重要对外语言传播机构,在两个学院的发展过程中我们积累了大量的经验与教训,作为海外孔子学院发展的成功案例,这两个学院都有一定的代表性和研究价值,他们的发展也影射了我国整个海外孔子学院语言机构的发展状况。因此,笔者通过对以上两个学院的分析与考察,掌握第一手材料,重点分析我校孔院在体制、规模、教师配备、资源分配等一系列问题,并从教学入手,探讨其在可行性、组织性以及优缺点方面的优劣,以为孔子学院的改进和教学质量的进一步提高提供参考。
[Abstract]:With the increasing strength of our country and the rapid development of social economy, China has more and more right to speak in the world, and its international status has been greatly improved. Other countries hope to develop friendly cooperation with China and promote exchanges. Therefore, "Chinese craze" has become a popular cultural trend, and then Confucius Institute emerged as the times require, and has quickly become one of the important channels for foreign scholars to understand and study Chinese language and Chinese culture. Confucius Institutes have been expanding rapidly in the world since their inception, and Confucius Institutes can be seen in more than 100 countries on five continents. It has established a bridge for the spread and development of Chinese and foreign cultures and contributed to the friendship between China and other countries. The development and prosperity of Confucius Institutes make us happy, but at the same time, we also realize that there are still many problems in the development of Confucius Institutes. Therefore, the author not only takes the French French Union and other foreign language institutions as an example, but also makes a comparative analysis. More emphasis is placed on the analysis of the two Confucius Institutes set up overseas by the Institute of International Education of our University-the Confucius Institute of the University of Miami and the Confucius Institute of the University of Milan in Italy. As two important foreign language communication institutions, we have accumulated a lot of experience and lessons in the development of the two institutes, as a successful example of the development of overseas Confucius Institutes. These two colleges are both representative and worthy of research, and their development implies the development of the language institutions of the overseas Confucius Institutes in China. Therefore, through the analysis and investigation of the above two colleges, the author grasps the firsthand materials, emphatically analyzes a series of problems, such as the system, the scale, the teacher allocation, the resource allocation and so on, and probes into its feasibility from the teaching. Organization and merits and demerits provide reference for the improvement of Confucius Institute and the further improvement of teaching quality.


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