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发布时间:2018-08-16 10:20
【摘要】:“得”字补语句内部结构复杂,变化形式多样,独具汉语特色。因此韩国学习者不容易掌握“得”字句。 在韩语和汉语中找不到“得”字句对应的表达形式。“得”字句在韩语中有多种表达方式。 本文通过汉韩对比对韩国留学生“得”字句的偏误进行了分析。 主要研究的是:“S+V+得+A”、“N1+V1+得+(N2+)VP”两种“得”字句在韩语中的对应形式及其韩国学生的偏误。 其中:“S+V+得+A”这一句式在韩语中主要有两种对应形式,它们分别是:“S+一般副词/派生副词+A/V”、“S+A+(?)+V”。“N1+V1+得+(N2+)VP”句式在韩语中主要有三种对应形式,分别是:“NP1+V1,/A1+(?)/(?)+(NP2)+VP”、“NP1+V1+(?)+NP2+VP”、“V1+NP1+(?)+NP2+VP”。 造成偏误的原因主要有四种:母语的负迁移、目的语的干扰、学习策略的影响及教材和教学的误导。如果学习者不能摆脱固有的思维模式就不能写出准确的“得”字句。 希望本文的研究对韩国人学习汉语有一定的帮助。
[Abstract]:The internal structure of "de" complement sentence is complex, its forms are varied, and it has unique Chinese characteristics. Therefore, Korean learners are not easy to master the word "de". In Korean and Chinese, the corresponding expression of "de" sentence can not be found. The word "de" has many expressions in Korean. This paper analyzes the errors of Korean students'word "de" by comparing Chinese and Korean. This paper mainly studies the corresponding forms of "S V de A" and "N1 V 1 get (N 2) VP" in Korean and the bias of Korean students. The sentence pattern "S V de A" has two main corresponding forms in Korean: "S general adverb / derived adverb A / V", "S A (?" V "." N1 V1 to (N2) VP "has three main corresponding forms in Korean:" NP1 V1 / A1 (?) / (?) (NP2) VP "," NP1 V1 (?) NP2 VP "," V1 NP1 (?) NP2 VP ". There are four main reasons for the errors: the negative transfer of mother tongue, the interference of target language, the influence of learning strategies, and the misdirection of textbooks and teaching. If the learner can not get rid of the inherent mode of thinking, can not write the exact word "de". I hope this study will be helpful to Korean students in learning Chinese.


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