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发布时间:2018-08-18 10:03
【摘要】:古代汉语包括包括文言、白话两个书面语系统。总体上看,文言系统在相当长时期内占据着优势地位,文言词汇是汉语词汇系统的重要组成部分,是词汇史研究不可或缺的内容之一。明清时期,除了官修正史、文人诗文集等作品外,文言小说称得上是较为重要的文言语料了。《萤窗异草》作为清代一部较具特色的文言小说,篇幅较大,词汇量丰富,能够较好地反映当时文言志怪小说的语言而貌,因而具有较高的研究价值。 该书词汇整体上呈现出典雅性与丰富性的特点。众多的典故词语,相对委婉的骂詈语使得该书较大程度上保持了文言的典雅性、保守性。出于明确表义、音节韵律的需要,同义词得以广泛使用;同时,各时期词汇在文言中的沉积为同义词的灵活使用提供了可能。广泛的词汇来源,使得小说形象生动,富有表现力。 和同期通俗作品相比,《萤窗异草》中的常用词新、旧形态共存且更倾向于选用旧形态,体现出共融与复古相统一的特点;该书中部分常用词的特点继承于晋代和唐代典型志怪小说,同时受到明清通俗小说的影响,体现了传承性与时代性的统一。通过对《萤窗异草》中的常用词进行研究,我们认为应加强对专书常用词、双音节常用词的研究力度,应从语体、内容、性质等方面对语料进行区分,不能一概而论。 在文言规范和复音化潮流的双重作用下,《萤窗异草》中词汇复音化程度虽滞后于同期通俗作品,但各种构词法已趋于完备,构成方式也呈现出多样性,较接近于现代汉语,体现出复音化强大的影响力。书中偏正式复音词十分丰富,这与此期文言志怪小说更加注重人物刻画、情节描写有一定关系。
[Abstract]:Ancient Chinese includes two written language systems: classical Chinese and vernacular. In general, the classical Chinese system occupies a dominant position for a long time. Classical Chinese vocabulary is an important part of the Chinese lexical system and an indispensable part of the study of lexical history. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, in addition to the official revision of history and the collection of literati poems and essays, classical Chinese novels were regarded as relatively important classical Chinese corpus. As a relatively distinctive classical Chinese novel in the Qing Dynasty, it has a large length and a rich vocabulary. It can reflect the language and appearance of classical Chinese and strange novels at that time, so it has higher research value. On the whole, the vocabulary of the book presents the characteristics of elegance and richness. Many allusions, relatively euphemistic oaths, make the book to a large extent maintain the elegance and conservatism of classical Chinese. Synonyms are widely used because of the clear meaning and the need of syllable rhythm. Meanwhile, the deposition of vocabulary in classical Chinese provides the possibility for the flexible use of synonyms. A wide range of lexical sources make the novel vivid and expressive. Compared with the popular works of the same period, the common words are new and the old forms coexist and tend to choose the old ones. The characteristics of some common words in the book are inherited from the typical novels of the Jin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, and influenced by the popular novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, which embodies the unity of the inheritance and the times. Through the study of the common words in Firefly window, we think that we should strengthen the study of the common words in special books and dicyllabic words. We should distinguish the corpus from the style, content, nature and so on. We can not generalize it. Under the dual action of the standard of classical Chinese and the trend of polyphoneticization, although the degree of lexical polyphonation in "Yuhaihuangcao" lags behind the popular works of the same period, all kinds of word-formation methods have become more complete, and the forms of construction have also shown diversity, which is close to modern Chinese. Reflect the powerful influence of polyphony. The partial formal polysyllabic words in the book are very rich, which is related to the depiction of characters and plot in this period of classical Chinese novels.


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8 冯胜利;论汉语的“韵律词”[J];中国社会科学;1996年01期

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