[Abstract]:AABB is a widely used grammatical structure. In modern Chinese, there are a large number of AABB words in written and spoken language, which are very common, commonly used and can be produced, open a class of words. It has a long history and can be traced back to ancient Chinese. From the formal point of view, it has a symmetrical, neat syntactic structure and a well-proportioned prosodic structure, which can be said to embody perfectly the simulation of the harmonious beauty of the natural world by language. Because AABB words have a complex source of components, the grammatical meaning it expresses is also rich and varied. AABB's overlapping and reduplication are two different grammatical means. AABB's overlapping is made up of two bases, which are AA and BB, which are composed of overlapping. It is the result of the combination of overlapping and cohesive grammatical means. We tend to regard AABB overlapping as a special construction in Chinese. We will draw lessons from the theoretical framework of "Construction Grammar", and adopt the dynamic analysis theory of three planes, combining description and interpretation, quantitative and qualitative analysis, diachronic and synchronic research, from the structural mode. The semantic features, grammatical functions and pragmatic values of AABB constructions are investigated and studied comprehensively. The full text is divided into four parts: chapter one: introduction. It introduces the synchronic and diachronic studies of AABB and the study of Chinese quantity category in detail. The purpose and theoretical basis of this paper are expounded. Chapter two: firstly, the AABB stacking is defined, then the structural form of AABB stacking is investigated, and its internal morpheme meaning and component scope are investigated. The semantic conditions of AABB stacking are analyzed. Chapter three: this chapter attempts to investigate the grammatical meaning of AABB stacking from the perspective of cognitive linguistics and quantitative category theory. This paper describes and explains the change of grammatical function and the quantitative increase from base to AABB. Chapter four: the structure, function and grammatical meaning of AABB in several historical stages, such as pre-Qin to Ming and Qing dynasties, are investigated diachronically, and its development is forecasted.
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