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发布时间:2018-09-03 07:14
【摘要】:元朝是古代农学史上一个非常重要的时期,由于社会、政治的变动,统治者的劝农政策,以及文人自身的原因等,元朝出现了大量的农学著作,是农书发展历程中的一个高峰期,但大多数农书都失传了。保存至今比较完备的有三大农书,即《农桑辑要》、《王祯农书》和《农桑衣食撮要》,这三部农书都遵循了《齐民要术》大农业的结构框架,内容非常丰富。同时它们又成为明清时期农书写作的依据,在农书发展史上具有承前启后的作用。元代三大农书采用通俗易懂的语言写成,反映了元及元以前的农业发展和社会状况,是语言研究的重要语料。本文即以元代三大农书为语料,力图通过对其中农业词汇的研究,在共时描写的基础上,追溯其历时发展演变,勾勒出汉语农业词汇系统的基本面貌。在研究过程中,本文将立足于汉语词汇学理论,同时吸纳传统小学的治学方法,对元代农书中的农业词汇作全方位的系统描写。 论文共分六章: 第一章绪论。本章主要论述古代农书文献、研究概况以及本文的研究语料、版本和方法。古代农书非常丰富,分类标准也不统一,不少的机构或学者都对古农书的数量进行了调查,但都未能作出一个准确的统计。我们按照历史的发展,从上古到近代,对农书的发展情况进行了简单的介绍,总结出了古代农书波浪式起伏发展的三个高峰期,元代三大农书的出现即是其中的一个高峰期。对农书的研究以往主要集中在对文献的校注上,语言研究论著不多,且主要集中在对中古文献《齐民要术》的研究上,近代农书文献的研究成果很少,系统研究更是没有,因此本文以近代的三部农书为语料进行研究,能在一定程度弥补农业文献研究的不足。在语料的版本上,我们选择了目前所能见到的较好的版本,同时参照其他文献中的引用部分。在研究方法上,本文主要采用了定量与定性相结合、共时与历时相结合、描写与解释相结合的方法,同时从隐喻、文化等视角对元代农书中的农业词汇进行多角度的研究。 第二章元代农书的语料特点和研究价值。本章从语料特点和研究价值入手,首先,从语料性质上,元代农书的语料具有专业性、俗语性、地域性和复杂性等特点。专业性主要体现在农业专门用语上;俗语性除了表现在日常用语中,还表现在农作物、农具的俗名上以及农业谚语中;地域性主要体现在方言词中;复杂性主要体现在词汇来源上。其次从研究价值上,我们主要从词汇的研究价值来谈,一是农书词汇体现了社会的发展,特别是农业的发展,文中主要从词汇反映耕作技术和嫁接技术两个方面来介绍;二是农书是近代汉语研究重要的补充语料,同时农书中的口语词、方言词等可以丰富近代汉语词汇的研究;三是农书中的农业词汇对丰富专科词语的研究具有一定的意义,可以弥补农业词汇研究的某些不足;四是农书中的词汇在辞典编纂上也具有重要的语料学价值,具有补充词目、补充义项、提前书证和补充书证的作用。 第三章元代农书农业词汇概说。本章在对农业词汇界定的基础上,将农业词汇分为三个层次,并从农业生物种类、农业生产行为、农业工具等几个方面对元代农书中的农业词汇进行了系统的共时描写,然后按照历时的观点,将元代农书中的农业词汇的形成和发展进行了详细的论述。从形成上看,来源于三个方面,一是吸收全民共同语,具体为全盘借用和改造借用;二是沿袭已有的农业词语,具体沿袭先秦两汉、魏晋南北朝和隋唐宋三个时期的农业词语;三是产生于元代的新词,具体从农业词汇的三个主要组成部分来谈。从发展上来看,首先是农业词汇内部的发展,或弃置不用,或继续使用;其次是农业词语对全民共同语的渗透,或直接渗透,或引申渗透,或比喻渗透,或本源回归。在对元代农书中的农业词汇进行共时描写和历时分析的基础上,对农业词汇中出现的同实异名和同名异实现象进行了描写和解释。重点分析了同实异名的语言内外部原因,语言内部原因主要从语音、词汇和修辞三个因素来分析,语言外部原因主要从命名理据的不同、语言在时空、雅俗上的差异和变化以及语言和社会环境的关系等方面来分析。 第四章元代农书农业词汇的语义分析。本章主要从本义、引申义、词源义、词义类聚以及词义的发展变化等方面对农业词汇的意义进行系统的分析。一是在分析农业词语语素义之间关系的基础上,进一步分析农业词语语素义和词义之间的关系,即两个语素义组合、综合或融合等构成词义。二是在分析农业词语本义的基础上,对农业词语的引申义系统进行简单的概说,对农业词语引申义产生的途径、方式等进行了详细的分析。产生途径主要是相似引申、相关引申和同步引申,而产生的方式主要是连锁式引申、辐射式引申和综合式引申。三是对农业词语中的名物词的词源义进行了分析,我们主要采用系联同源词的方法对其中单音节名物词的词源义进行了探求,从参与构词语素各自意义的来源以及它们结合并凝固的原因两个方面对其中双音节名物词的词源义进行了探求。四是对农业词汇中的几种语义关系进行了分析和解释,即同义关系、上下义关系和对立关系。其中在同义关系中,主要对同义动词从构组和语义上进行了描写,并从词义的发展、双音化、异序词、同源词等几个方面对同义词的大量存在进行了解释。五是对农业词汇词义发展演变的分析,主要分析了农业词语义位的增减,词义范围的变化,包括扩大、缩小和转移。并对词义的演变发展从语言外部和内部两个角度进行了解释。本章力求能对元代农书中的农业词汇在语义上做一个系统的描写和解释。 第五章元代农书农业词汇语法分析。本章主要从活跃的构词语素、构词类型和方式、农业词语的量词化和名动词类的转变四个方面展开。活跃的构词语素,主要包括“熟”、“田”、“种”、“接”等。农业词语的构词类型包括联合、偏正、动宾、补充和附加五种方式,其中联合式和偏正式占绝大多数,文章对这两种构词类型的具体构成情况作了两个方面的分析。农业词语的量词化主要对由植物各部位名称词演变成量词的进程进行了分析,这些词包括“茎”、“根”、“株”、“枚”、“叶”、“条”、“科”、“树”、“梢”、“枝”、“本”,对这些词语我们从不同历史阶段的使用情况展开分析,明确其量词形成的时间,对量词形成后进一步虚化的进程及其发展变化等都作了详细的介绍。同时在这些词语量词化形成的语义与认知基础上,从隐喻、推理和泛化三个方面对它们的形成机制进行了探讨。名动词类的转变中,我们主要对农具词语从名称到功能的转变作了描述,具体分析了名动词类转变的语义和认知基础,并对名动词类转变中的突显性原则和邻近性原则做了简单介绍。 第六章元代农书农业词汇隐喻认知分析。本章主要对农业词汇的隐喻系统和隐喻文化认知进行分析。相似性原则是隐喻的认知原则,农业词汇的隐喻多以植株或植株各部位为喻体,,来比拟其他物体。同时农业生产包含一定的过程,利用植物生长过程和事物发展过程的相似性,来认识事物发展的过程。具体我们从植物及植物的部位名称“粟”、“桃”、“杏”、“柳”、“松”、“根”、“枝”、“花”、“苗”、“芽”等词族的隐喻,以及从植物的生根、发芽、开花、结果、成熟的过程和农业生产中耕地、播种、施肥、浇水、收获等过程中有关词的隐喻来分析农业词汇的隐喻系统,实现隐喻系统中始源域和目标域之间的映射,并验证这种映射的合理性。并在此基础上,进一步从文化的角度对汉语农业词汇的隐喻进行分析,隐喻受民族文化因素的影响,隐喻中表现出了明显的民族差异。 结语总结全文,对本文的主要观点和不足之处进行总结,以明确以后努力和完善的方向。
[Abstract]:Yuan Dynasty is a very important period in the history of ancient agronomy. Due to the changes of society and politics, the policy of advocating agriculture of the rulers and the reasons of the scholars themselves, a large number of Agronomy books appeared in Yuan Dynasty, which was a peak period in the development of agricultural books, but most of them were lost. The three agricultural books follow the structural framework of "Qimin Yaoshu". They also serve as the basis for agricultural writing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and serve as a link between the past and the future in the history of agricultural writing. Agricultural development and social conditions before Yuan and Yuan Dynasty are important corpus for language research. This paper tries to trace the development and evolution of agricultural vocabulary and outline the basic features of Chinese agricultural vocabulary system through the study of agricultural vocabulary in the three agricultural books of Yuan Dynasty. Based on the theory of Chinese lexicology, and absorbing the methods of traditional primary school, this paper makes a comprehensive and systematic description of agricultural vocabulary in the agricultural books of Yuan Dynasty.
The thesis is divided into six chapters.
The first chapter is an introduction. This chapter mainly discusses the ancient agricultural books, the general situation of research and the corpus, editions and methods of this study. Ancient agricultural books are very rich, and the classification standards are not uniform. Many institutions or scholars have investigated the number of ancient agricultural books, but they have not made an accurate statistics. From ancient times to modern times, this paper briefly introduces the development of agricultural books, and sums up three peaks of the undulating development of ancient agricultural books, one of which is the appearance of the three great agricultural books in Yuan Dynasty. In the study of literature , there are few achievements in the study of modern agricultural literature, and no systematic research has been made. Therefore, this paper takes three modern agricultural books as the corpus to make up for the deficiency in the study of agricultural literature to a certain extent. In the research method, this paper mainly uses the combination of quantitative and qualitative, synchronic and diachronic, descriptive and explanatory methods. At the same time, from the perspective of metaphor, culture and other aspects, the agricultural vocabulary in the agricultural books of Yuan Dynasty is studied from various angles.
The second chapter is the corpus characteristics and research value of the agricultural books of the Yuan Dynasty.This chapter starts with the corpus characteristics and research value.First of all, from the corpus nature, the corpus of the agricultural books of the Yuan Dynasty has the characteristics of specialty, colloquialism, regionalism and complexity. Secondly, from the research value, we mainly talk about the research value of vocabulary. First, the vocabulary of agricultural books reflects the development of society, especially the development of agriculture. The second is that agricultural books are an important supplementary corpus for the study of modern Chinese. At the same time, the spoken words and dialectal words in agricultural books can enrich the study of modern Chinese vocabulary. The third is that agricultural vocabulary in agricultural books has certain significance for enriching the study of specialized words and can make up for the study of agricultural vocabulary. Fourthly, the vocabulary in the agricultural books has important corpus value in the compilation of the dictionary, which can supplement the lexicon, the meaning, the documentary evidence and the documentary evidence in advance.
The third chapter is the outline of agricultural vocabulary in the agricultural books of Yuan Dynasty.On the basis of defining agricultural vocabulary, this chapter divides agricultural vocabulary into three levels and gives a systematic and synchronic description of agricultural vocabulary in the agricultural books of Yuan Dynasty from the aspects of agricultural biology, agricultural production behavior and agricultural tools. The formation and development of the agricultural vocabulary are discussed in detail. From the formation point of view, it comes from three aspects. First, it absorbs the common language of the whole people, specifically for the overall borrowing and transformation of borrowing; second, it follows the existing agricultural vocabulary, followed the pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and Sui, Tang and Song Dynasties. From the development point of view, the first is the internal development of agricultural vocabulary, or abandon, or continue to use; the second is the penetration of agricultural words into the common language of the whole people, or direct infiltration, or extended infiltration, or metaphor infiltration, or the origin of the regression. On the basis of synchronic description and diachronic analysis of vocabulary, this paper describes and explains the phenomena of synonyms and synonyms in agricultural vocabulary, focusing on the internal and external causes of synonyms and synonyms. The internal causes of language are mainly analyzed from three factors: phonetics, vocabulary and rhetoric. The external causes of language are mainly from naming theory. According to the differences, language in time and space, the differences and changes in elegance and vulgarity, as well as the relationship between language and social environment to analyze.
Chapter Four: Semantic Analysis of Agricultural Vocabulary in Yuan Dynasty. This chapter mainly analyzes the meaning of agricultural vocabulary from the aspects of original meaning, extended meaning, etymological meaning, word meaning clustering and the development and change of word meaning. First, on the basis of analyzing the relationship between morpheme and meaning of agricultural vocabulary, it further analyzes the morpheme and meaning of agricultural vocabulary. Second, on the basis of the analysis of the original meaning of agricultural words, the extended meaning system of agricultural words is briefly summarized, and the ways and means of the extended meaning of agricultural words are analyzed in detail. The third is the analysis of the etymological meaning of nouns in agricultural words. We mainly use the method of associating cognates to explore the etymological meaning of monosyllabic nouns, from the source of their respective meanings and their formation. The etymological meanings of disyllabic nouns are explored from two aspects of the causes of coalescence and solidification. Fourthly, several semantic relations in agricultural vocabulary are analyzed and explained, namely, synonymy, hyponymy and antagonism. The development of meaning, disyllabic word, disyllabic word, cognate word and so on are explained in this paper. Fifthly, the development and evolution of agricultural lexical meaning are analyzed. The increase and decrease of agricultural lexical semanteme and the change of lexical meaning range are mainly analyzed, including expansion, reduction and transfer. This chapter tries to make a systematic description and explanation of the agricultural vocabulary in the agricultural books of Yuan Dynasty.
Chapter five is the grammatical analysis of agricultural vocabulary in the Yuan Dynasty.This chapter is mainly from four aspects: active morphemes, word-formation types and ways, quantifier and noun-verb transformation of agricultural words.Active morphemes mainly include "ripe", "farmland", "species" and "joint". There are five ways of object, complement and addition, of which the combination and partial formality are the overwhelming majority. This paper analyzes the specific composition of these two word-formation types from two aspects. "Mei", "leaf", "stripe", "family", "tree", "shoot", "branch", "ben". We analyze the usage of these words in different historical stages, define the time of the formation of quantifiers, and give a detailed introduction to the process and development of quantifiers. On the basis of semantic and cognitive formation, the formation mechanism of the noun-verb category is discussed from three aspects: metaphor, reasoning and generalization. In the transformation of the noun-verb category, we mainly describe the transformation of the agricultural implements from name to function, analyze the semantic and cognitive basis of the transformation of the noun-verb category concretely, and highlight the transformation of the noun-verb category. The principles of sex and proximity are briefly introduced.
Chapter Six: Cognitive Analysis of Metaphor in Agricultural Words of the Yuan Dynasty. This chapter mainly analyzes the metaphorical system and cultural cognition of agricultural words. The similarities between plant growth and plant development are used to understand the process of plant development. Specifically, we can understand the metaphors of plant parts, such as "millet", "peach", "apricot", "willow", "pine", "root", "branch", "flower", "seedling", "bud", and the metaphors of plant rooting, germination, flowering, fruiting and maturity. The metaphorical system of agricultural vocabulary is analyzed in the process of farmland, sowing, fertilizing, watering and harvesting. The mapping between the source domain and the target domain in the metaphorical system is realized and the rationality of the mapping is verified. On this basis, the metaphorical progress of Chinese agricultural vocabulary is further carried out from the cultural perspective. In terms of metaphor analysis, metaphors show obvious ethnic differences.
The conclusion summarizes the full text, summarizes the main points and shortcomings of this article, in order to clear the direction of future efforts and improvement.


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