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发布时间:2018-11-23 11:02
【摘要】:出土考古资料的刻划符号应分象形类和抽象类两种,从文字的性质看,中国文字起源于象形类的刻划符号和图案,而非抽象类的刻划符号。中国文字起源是一个漫长的发展过程,作为记录历史事件的文字功能来看,中国早期文字经历了从"文字性符号"、"文字画"到作为记录语言的文字符号系统的正式文字产生过程。从出土的陶器刻划符号和图案特别是出土的器物与殷墟甲骨文形体比较情况来看,中国早期文字性符号的起源是距今8 000—7 000年的裴李岗、大溪文化时期,距今5 000年之前的仰韶文化晚期是文字性符号的一个大发展时期。汉字体系的正式产生是距今4 500—4 000年之间的龙山文化时期,也就是传说时代的尧舜至夏初时期。
[Abstract]:The depiction symbols of archaeological materials unearthed should be divided into pictographs and abstract types. From the nature of the characters, the Chinese characters originated from the pictographic symbols and patterns, but not from the abstract ones. The origin of Chinese characters is a long process of development. As a written function of recording historical events, early Chinese characters experienced "literal symbols". The formal text generation process from the text drawing to the character symbol system as the recording language. Judging from the comparison of the symbols and patterns of pottery unearthed, especially the unearthed objects with the oracle bones of the Yin ruins, the origin of the early written symbols in China was the period of Peiligang and Tahsi culture from 8 000 to 7 000 years ago. The late Yangshao culture about 5,000 years ago was a great development period of written symbols. The official birth of the Chinese character system was the Longshan culture period between 4, 500 and 4, 000 years ago, that is, the period from Yao Shun to the early summer in the legendary era.
【作者单位】: 陕西师范大学历史文化学院;


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