发布时间:2019-01-21 17:29
【摘要】:对于学习汉语的留学生来说,词汇贯穿其学习过程的始终,且词汇量的掌握情况是衡量其汉语水平的重要标志。在对外汉语教学中,词汇教学也向来是备受关注的环节。可见,词汇在汉语作为第二语言学习与教学中占有至关重要的地位。Nation于1990年将词汇划分为两类——理解性词汇和产出性词汇。他指出,理解性词汇是第二语言学习者在听、读过程中可以理解的词汇,产出性词汇是第二语言学习者在说、写过程中可以产出的词汇。 Nation提出的理解性词汇和产出性词汇概念为许多语言学专家、学者拓宽了研究方向,使得国内外第二语言学界相继开展了一系列的相关研究。目前,国内外已经涌现出不少对二语学习者理解性词汇和产出性词汇研究的论文和专著,对外语教学起到了很好的指导作用。然而,关于汉语作为第二语言的研究成果却不是非常丰硕(王晓慧2010)。国内学者们的研究多集中在产出性词汇的习得模式、产出性词汇的“石化”现象等,却少有涉及不同水平留学生理解性词汇和产出性词汇的实证研究。此外,以往的研究大多以旧版《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》作为参考依据,而2010年国家汉办颁布了最新的《汉语国际教育用音节汉字词汇等级划分》,以往的研究结论未必能适应新版大纲的要求。这为笔者带来了新的研究思路。 本文通过实验的方法,考察了初、中、高级水平留学生的理解性和产出性词汇在各词频等级上的分布情况,全文共分五章: 第一章,概括介绍Nation的理论,提出本文所要探讨的问题。 第二章,对已有的相关研究进行梳理,总结其特点、分析其不足,并指出本文的研究意义。 第三章,介绍本文的研究方法(包括实验逻辑、实验设计、被试和实验材料),然后运用SPSS软件统计实验数据,最后讨论并得出结论。 第四章,根据实验结果,从课程设置、教材编写和教学安排三个方面来探讨如何有效扩大留学生的理解性和产出性词汇量。 第五章,总结全文并指出不足。
[Abstract]:For students studying Chinese, vocabulary runs through their learning process, and the mastery of vocabulary is an important indicator to measure their Chinese level. In the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, vocabulary teaching has always been the focus of attention. Therefore, vocabulary plays an important role in the learning and teaching of Chinese as a second language. In 1990, Nation divided vocabulary into two categories: comprehensible vocabulary and productive vocabulary. He points out that comprehensible vocabulary is a kind of vocabulary that can be understood by second language learners in the process of listening and reading, and productive vocabulary is a word that can be produced by second language learners in the process of speaking and writing. The concepts of comprehensible vocabulary and productive vocabulary put forward by Nation are many linguistic experts. Scholars have broadened the research direction and made a series of related researches in the field of second language at home and abroad. At present, there have been many papers and monographs on second language learners' comprehension vocabulary and productive vocabulary, which have played a good guiding role in foreign language teaching. However, the research on Chinese as a second language is not very fruitful (Wang Xiaohui 2010). Domestic scholars mostly focus on the acquisition mode of productive vocabulary and the phenomenon of "fossilization" of productive vocabulary, but there are few empirical studies involving different levels of foreign students' comprehension vocabulary and productive vocabulary. In addition, most of the previous studies have taken the old version of the outline of Chinese level Vocabulary and Chinese characters as the reference basis. In 2010, the State Han Affairs Office promulgated the latest Chinese syllabic Chinese Vocabulary Classification for International Chinese Education. Previous research conclusions may not be able to meet the requirements of the new outline. This brings a new research idea for the author. This paper, by means of experiments, investigates the distribution of comprehension and productive vocabulary in different word frequency levels of foreign students at the primary, middle and advanced levels. The full text is divided into five chapters: chapter one, the theory of Nation is introduced briefly. The problems to be discussed in this paper are put forward. In the second chapter, the author summarizes the existing research, summarizes its characteristics, analyzes its shortcomings, and points out the significance of this paper. The third chapter introduces the research methods of this paper (including experimental logic, experimental design, subjects and experimental materials), and then uses SPSS software to statistics the experimental data, and finally discusses and draws a conclusion. Chapter four, according to the experimental results, discusses how to expand the comprehension and productive vocabulary of foreign students from three aspects: curriculum, textbook compilation and teaching arrangement. The fifth chapter, summarizes the full text and points out the insufficiency.
[Abstract]:For students studying Chinese, vocabulary runs through their learning process, and the mastery of vocabulary is an important indicator to measure their Chinese level. In the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, vocabulary teaching has always been the focus of attention. Therefore, vocabulary plays an important role in the learning and teaching of Chinese as a second language. In 1990, Nation divided vocabulary into two categories: comprehensible vocabulary and productive vocabulary. He points out that comprehensible vocabulary is a kind of vocabulary that can be understood by second language learners in the process of listening and reading, and productive vocabulary is a word that can be produced by second language learners in the process of speaking and writing. The concepts of comprehensible vocabulary and productive vocabulary put forward by Nation are many linguistic experts. Scholars have broadened the research direction and made a series of related researches in the field of second language at home and abroad. At present, there have been many papers and monographs on second language learners' comprehension vocabulary and productive vocabulary, which have played a good guiding role in foreign language teaching. However, the research on Chinese as a second language is not very fruitful (Wang Xiaohui 2010). Domestic scholars mostly focus on the acquisition mode of productive vocabulary and the phenomenon of "fossilization" of productive vocabulary, but there are few empirical studies involving different levels of foreign students' comprehension vocabulary and productive vocabulary. In addition, most of the previous studies have taken the old version of the outline of Chinese level Vocabulary and Chinese characters as the reference basis. In 2010, the State Han Affairs Office promulgated the latest Chinese syllabic Chinese Vocabulary Classification for International Chinese Education. Previous research conclusions may not be able to meet the requirements of the new outline. This brings a new research idea for the author. This paper, by means of experiments, investigates the distribution of comprehension and productive vocabulary in different word frequency levels of foreign students at the primary, middle and advanced levels. The full text is divided into five chapters: chapter one, the theory of Nation is introduced briefly. The problems to be discussed in this paper are put forward. In the second chapter, the author summarizes the existing research, summarizes its characteristics, analyzes its shortcomings, and points out the significance of this paper. The third chapter introduces the research methods of this paper (including experimental logic, experimental design, subjects and experimental materials), and then uses SPSS software to statistics the experimental data, and finally discusses and draws a conclusion. Chapter four, according to the experimental results, discusses how to expand the comprehension and productive vocabulary of foreign students from three aspects: curriculum, textbook compilation and teaching arrangement. The fifth chapter, summarizes the full text and points out the insufficiency.
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2 王晓慧;初级汉语学习者产出性词汇分析[D];上海师范大学;2010年