[Abstract]:Language and emotion can be said to be the eternal theme of human exploration, because this is the human desire for their own understanding. From the third turn of philosophical research, and linguistics as a scientific research prosperity can be seen. This paper is based on linguistics, through the study of linguistic and philosophical predecessors, with language research as the core, summed up that language has three emotional attributes of satisfaction, sympathy and aesthetics, and specifically discussed. To put it simply, contentment means that people make themselves or others satisfied by language; sympathy means that people understand themselves, others or society through language; and aesthetic sense means that people show their feelings and pursuit of beauty through language. At the same time, the influence of affective attribute on language is analyzed by examples of language structure (pronunciation and form) and specific use of language (communication and strategy). Therefore, emotion is the internal driving force of language use and development. On this basis, this paper puts forward the concept of affective analysis of language, and thinks that all concrete words are affective expressions. At the same time, it constructs three dimensions of affective analysis (that is, three emotional attributes of language) and two patterns (from outside to inside-what kind of language expresses what kind of emotional process); From inside to outside-what kind of emotional process leads to what kind of language expression. With the help of legend, this paper tries to make affective analysis principled and operable, so as to provide some new ideas for exploring the universal pragmatic rules in pragmatics.
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