发布时间:2019-02-28 09:22
【摘要】:笔记是我国古代文学中一种较为常见的文体,早在汉代就已经萌芽,如东汉班固的《白虎通义》,而魏晋时期则被公认为是笔记正式出现的时间。中国古代的笔记,从魏晋发展到唐宋再到清代,经历了由萌芽到发展再到繁荣的过程,其中清代是集大成的时代,各种笔记在总结前人著述的基础上都有了长足地发展,大量笔记相继出现,其中有许多笔记具有很高的史料价值和语言学价值,由于距今未远,大部分的笔记都得以完整保存,史料笔记便是其中较为重要的一类。 清代史料笔记记载的内容涉及方方面面,各朝各代的逸闻轶事、掌故遗事、风俗民情、山川景物以及文学艺术等内容在该类笔记中都有体现。对于语言学来说,清代史料笔记中记载的内容具有非常重要的学术价值。 “笔记训诂”就是指保存在古代笔记中的训诂资料,其主要特点是散见书中,不成体系,对清代笔记的训诂目前已有学者开始关注,但进行全面深入研究的成果并不多见,专门对史料笔记的训诂进行研究的成果更是罕见。因此本文在对清代十七部史料笔记中的训诂条目进行整理的基础上,对其中的训诂内容进行了详细分析,并由此总结出清代史料笔记训诂的特点和不足。另外,通过对清代史料笔记中词语训释的分析和研究,对《汉语大词典》的相关词条进行了补正。 全文共分为五部分: 绪论部分介绍了笔记的定义,总结了前代学者对笔记训诂特点的认识及清代史料笔记的特殊性,最后在广泛搜集材料的基础上,对清代史料笔记的研究现状进行了分析总结。 第一章从考释词语、分析句读、考辨读音、考释文字、串讲句意、阐述语法、说明修辞、指明词语出处等八个方面讨论了清代史料笔记中涉及到的训诂内容,其中考释词语是本章的重点。 第二章揭示了清代史料笔记对辞书编纂的价值。在《汉语大词典》的编著过程中,古代笔记中的材料是其收词及释义的主要依据之一,清代史料笔记中有很多材料都被直接引用作为书证,但仍然有很多有价值的内容并没有得到利用,因此我们将清代史料笔记中的训诂内容与《汉语大词典》的释词进行了比较,重点讨论了《汉语大词典》词条失收、义项缺失、引证嫌迟、书证不足等疏漏。 第三章从训诂术语、训诂方法和训诂内容三个方面,对清代史料笔记在训诂方面的特点进行了总结: 在训诂术语的使用上,清代史料笔记中几乎涉及了所有常见的训诂术语,而且各个术语的使用频率分布极不平衡。 在训诂方法的使用上,从求义和释义两个方面进行了分析,清代史料笔记中使用的求义方法多为隐性的,且使用了较为科学的求义方法,主要表现在对目验这种方法的使用上。另外,释义方法多样也是清代史料笔记在训诂方法的使用上的一个重要特点。 训诂内容方面,清代史料笔记多用正文训释,间有少量自注。重视词语考释,其他类别的训诂内容出现较少。训释中注重总结,多辑录性内容,且训诂语言多通俗易懂。 本章还从考释词语、考辨读音和引用文献三个方面举例说明了其在训诂方面存在的不足之处。 结语部分对全文进行了总结,并且再一次强调了清代史料笔记的重要价值。 笔记是我国古代一种重要的文学形式,,而清代史料笔记对于语言学的价值更是不可估量的,希望可以通过本文的研究,使学术界认识到清代史料笔记对语言学的重要价值,而对其进行更为深入而全面的研究,使清代史料笔记实现其应有的学术价值。
[Abstract]:The note is a kind of more common style in ancient Chinese literature, and it has been sprout in the Han Dynasty, such as the "White Tiger" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the period of the Wei and Jin dynasties is recognized as the time of the formal appearance of the note. The Chinese ancient notes, from the development of the Wei and Jin dynasties to the Tang and Song dynasties, and the Qing Dynasty, experienced the process from the emergence to the development to the prosperity, in which the Qing Dynasty is a great era, and the various notes have made great development on the basis of summarizing the previous works, and a large number of notes appear successively. Many of these notes are of high historical value and linguistic value. Because of the fact that most of the notes are not far from the present, most of the notes can be kept intact, and the notes of the historical materials are one of the more important ones. The contents of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty are related to all aspects, and all the anecdotes of each generation, the business of the palm, the customs and the people, the scenery of the mountains and the literature and the art are all reflected in this kind of note For linguistics, the contents of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty have very important academic value The "note training" refers to the training materials stored in the ancient notes, the main characteristics of which are in the book, no system, the training of the notes in the Qing Dynasty has already begun to be concerned, but the results of the comprehensive study are not much See, the results of the study on the training of historical data notes are more and more Therefore, on the basis of the arrangement of the training items in the 17 historical data notes of the Qing Dynasty, the contents of the training in the Qing Dynasty are analyzed in detail, and the characteristics and the characteristics of the historical materials note training in the Qing Dynasty are summarized. In addition, through the analysis and study of the words in the notes of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty, the article supplements the relevant entries of the Chinese Dictionary. Positive. The full text is divided into five. Part: The introduction section introduces the definition of the note, summarizes the understanding of the characteristics of the notes and the particularity of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty, and finally, on the basis of the extensive collection of materials, points out the present situation of the study of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty. The first chapter discusses the content of the training in the historical data notes of the Qing Dynasty from eight aspects, such as the examination of the words, the analysis of the reading of the sentence, the pronunciation of the examination, the interpretation of the text, the string of the sentence, the elaboration of the grammar, the description of the rhetoric, the indication of the source of the words and the like, in which the statement of the examination and release is the present. The second chapter is the main focus of the chapter. The second chapter reveals the writing of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty. The value of the compilation is one of the main bases of the collection and interpretation of the materials in the ancient notes in the process of the compilation of the Chinese Great Dictionaries. Many of the materials of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty are directly cited as a book, but there are still many valuable contents. As a result, we compare the contents of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty with the release of the Chinese Dictionary of the Great Chinese Dictionary, and focus on the discussion on the loss of the term, the missing of the term, the delay of the citation and the certificate of the book. The third chapter, from the three aspects of the terms of the training, the method of training and the content of the training, of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty The point is summarized as follows: in the use of the term of the training, the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty covers almost all a common terminology, and the frequency of use of the various terms The rate distribution is not balanced. On the use of the training method, the two aspects of the meaning and the interpretation are analyzed. The method of the meaning used in the historical data notes of the Qing Dynasty is hidden, and a more scientific method of meaning is used, which is mainly manifested in the inspection. In addition, the method of interpretation is also the use of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty. An important feature of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty. There is a small amount of self-note between the training and the other categories. Pay attention to the explanation of the words and other categories The content of the training is less. The contents of summary and multi-record are emphasized in the release. This chapter also illustrates its training in the three aspects of the examination of the words, the pronunciation of the examination and the reference. The shortcomings of the text are summarized in the epilogue, and it is emphasized again. The important value of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty. The note is an important literary form in ancient China, and the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty is inestimable to the value of linguistics. It is hoped that the study of this paper will make the academic circle realize the history of the Qing Dynasty. The material note is of great value in linguistics, and it makes a more thorough and comprehensive study to make the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty
[Abstract]:The note is a kind of more common style in ancient Chinese literature, and it has been sprout in the Han Dynasty, such as the "White Tiger" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the period of the Wei and Jin dynasties is recognized as the time of the formal appearance of the note. The Chinese ancient notes, from the development of the Wei and Jin dynasties to the Tang and Song dynasties, and the Qing Dynasty, experienced the process from the emergence to the development to the prosperity, in which the Qing Dynasty is a great era, and the various notes have made great development on the basis of summarizing the previous works, and a large number of notes appear successively. Many of these notes are of high historical value and linguistic value. Because of the fact that most of the notes are not far from the present, most of the notes can be kept intact, and the notes of the historical materials are one of the more important ones. The contents of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty are related to all aspects, and all the anecdotes of each generation, the business of the palm, the customs and the people, the scenery of the mountains and the literature and the art are all reflected in this kind of note For linguistics, the contents of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty have very important academic value The "note training" refers to the training materials stored in the ancient notes, the main characteristics of which are in the book, no system, the training of the notes in the Qing Dynasty has already begun to be concerned, but the results of the comprehensive study are not much See, the results of the study on the training of historical data notes are more and more Therefore, on the basis of the arrangement of the training items in the 17 historical data notes of the Qing Dynasty, the contents of the training in the Qing Dynasty are analyzed in detail, and the characteristics and the characteristics of the historical materials note training in the Qing Dynasty are summarized. In addition, through the analysis and study of the words in the notes of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty, the article supplements the relevant entries of the Chinese Dictionary. Positive. The full text is divided into five. Part: The introduction section introduces the definition of the note, summarizes the understanding of the characteristics of the notes and the particularity of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty, and finally, on the basis of the extensive collection of materials, points out the present situation of the study of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty. The first chapter discusses the content of the training in the historical data notes of the Qing Dynasty from eight aspects, such as the examination of the words, the analysis of the reading of the sentence, the pronunciation of the examination, the interpretation of the text, the string of the sentence, the elaboration of the grammar, the description of the rhetoric, the indication of the source of the words and the like, in which the statement of the examination and release is the present. The second chapter is the main focus of the chapter. The second chapter reveals the writing of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty. The value of the compilation is one of the main bases of the collection and interpretation of the materials in the ancient notes in the process of the compilation of the Chinese Great Dictionaries. Many of the materials of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty are directly cited as a book, but there are still many valuable contents. As a result, we compare the contents of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty with the release of the Chinese Dictionary of the Great Chinese Dictionary, and focus on the discussion on the loss of the term, the missing of the term, the delay of the citation and the certificate of the book. The third chapter, from the three aspects of the terms of the training, the method of training and the content of the training, of the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty The point is summarized as follows: in the use of the term of the training, the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty covers almost all a common terminology, and the frequency of use of the various terms The rate distribution is not balanced. On the use of the training method, the two aspects of the meaning and the interpretation are analyzed. The method of the meaning used in the historical data notes of the Qing Dynasty is hidden, and a more scientific method of meaning is used, which is mainly manifested in the inspection. In addition, the method of interpretation is also the use of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty. An important feature of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty. There is a small amount of self-note between the training and the other categories. Pay attention to the explanation of the words and other categories The content of the training is less. The contents of summary and multi-record are emphasized in the release. This chapter also illustrates its training in the three aspects of the examination of the words, the pronunciation of the examination and the reference. The shortcomings of the text are summarized in the epilogue, and it is emphasized again. The important value of the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty. The note is an important literary form in ancient China, and the historical materials note in the Qing Dynasty is inestimable to the value of linguistics. It is hoped that the study of this paper will make the academic circle realize the history of the Qing Dynasty. The material note is of great value in linguistics, and it makes a more thorough and comprehensive study to make the historical materials in the Qing Dynasty
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