[Abstract]:The importance of vocabulary in foreign language learning has been widely recognized. Moreover, more and more attention has been paid to vocabulary acquisition in second language teaching and research. Many learners and researchers have found that incidental vocabulary acquisition is an effective way of vocabulary acquisition. Incidental vocabulary acquisition is relative to deliberate learning. Many scholars have studied incidental vocabulary acquisition and found various factors that influence incidental vocabulary acquisition. Laufer and Hustijin put forward the "input-quantity hypothesis (Involvement Load Hypothesis)" in 2001, and put forward the task-bearing content model (Task Involvement Component Model). The model includes three elements that are effective in facilitating incidental vocabulary acquisition: the need for (need), query (search) and the evaluation of (evaluation). Based on a large number of previous empirical studies and Laufer and Hustijin models, this study complements the task-bearing content model, and proposes two other factors that promote incidental vocabulary acquisition significantly: inference and generation. In order to verify whether these two factors have a significant effect on incidental vocabulary acquisition, this study proposed three experimental hypotheses as follows: hypothesis 1: conjecture can significantly promote vocabulary acquisition. Hypothesis 2: generation can significantly promote vocabulary acquisition. Hypothesis 3: the stimulative effect of generation on vocabulary is more significant than conjecture. Based on the above assumptions, this study designed and implemented three different tasks with 10 target words. Task one deals with a minimum of speculation (Chinese interpretation of the target word with reading comprehension), and task two is about the largest number of conjectures (Chinese interpretation of reading comprehension but not providing target words). Task 3 deals with generation (construction of sentences with target words). The subjects were 30, 31 and 30, respectively, of the three nature classes in College of Oceanography, Hebei Agricultural University. Divide the three tasks into three classes during normal school hours. After the completion of the three tasks, the subjects were tested with real-time vocabulary tests of the target words without informing them to detect the mastery of the receptive and productive knowledge of the target words. A week later, the subjects were tested for delayed vocabulary. All the original data will be collected and analyzed by social science research statistical software package (SPSS16.0). The results of experiment and data analysis confirm the hypothesis that conjecture and generation can promote vocabulary acquisition significantly, and the effect of generation is stronger than that of conjecture. Through the experimental study, a new input model has been established. It includes five factors that contribute significantly to vocabulary acquisition: need, query, judgment, conjecture and generation. The new model can be used to analyze different task load content. This study is of theoretical and practical significance to second language acquisition. However, due to the limitations of time and other objective conditions, this study also has some limitations and deficiencies. However, this study provides preliminary suggestions for future research, and also provides a reference for the current vocabulary teaching design.
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