[Abstract]:Byron was one of the Romantic poets of the 19th century. Since Liang Qichao translated Byron's "mourning Greece", his poems and his unique personality have been favored by many Chinese translators. Although Byron's poetry translation research articles are numerous, but most of them are limited to the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China stage and rarely involved in the May 4th Movement. Moreover, few people study Byron's poetry translation from the perspective of rewriting theory. As we know, Andre Lefewell is the representative of the school of translation manipulation. He believes that translation is the most obvious form of rewriting, which rewrites and manipulates the text in a specific way in a particular society to conform to different ideological and poetic purposes. Based on Lefewell's theory of translation rewriting, this paper studies Byron's poetry translation from 1902 to 1924 with a case-by-case study. The author divides this period into two parts, taking the New Literary Revolution of 1917 as a watershed, and probes into the manipulation of implicit target language ideology and poetics on the translator's translation practice respectively. In the introduction, this paper introduces the purpose, research methods and literature review of Byron's poetry translation. In the first chapter, the author gives an overview of Lifewell's theory of translation rewriting, defines the two manipulative factors of ideology and poetics and their relevance to translation. Second, the third chapter is the main part of this paper, from the perspective of rewriting theory, the author analyzes Byron's poetry translation in the late Qing Dynasty (1902-1917) and before and after the May 4th Movement (1917-1924), and analyzes the translation and introduction of Byron's poetry from the perspective of rewriting theory. Finally, this paper draws the conclusion that the two manipulative factors of Lefewell's ideology and poetics control Byron's translation and introduction in China. In other words, the translator rewrote Byron's poetry according to the prevailing ideology and poetics, which once again proved that translation did not take place in a vacuum.
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