发布时间:2019-03-15 16:57
【摘要】:顾炎武是清代古音学的奠基人,他在古音研究上取得了卓越的成就,对清代的古音研究产生了深远的影响。最能体现他成就的著作是《音学五书》,本论文选取其中《唐韵正》进行研究。具体内容主要包括以下两个方面: 一、对《唐韵正》音注的声母进行考察。顾炎武首创“离析唐韵”的方法,分古韵为十部,对古韵研究做出了卓越贡献。近代有学者认为顾炎武不仅研究古韵部,还对上古声母有所涉及,所以提出了“顾炎武已知古无轻唇音”这一论断。我们以这一线索为切入点,对顾炎武《唐韵正》音注的声母做了详细地比较分析,并讨论了音注材料中的例外现象。通过研究,我们认为顾炎武尚未对上古声母有明确的认识。 二、对《唐韵正》音注与《广韵》又音进行比较。在顾炎武《唐韵正》的证明材料中,我们发现大量存在着“今此字两收于十二霁、十六屑部中”这样的句子,这表明顾炎武参考了《广韵》又音。通过与《广韵》对比,我们发现:《唐韵正》所列被注字中有976字在《广韵》中有又音,其中424字的音注与《广韵》又音相同,占到有又音的被注字总数的近百分之五十。这说明顾炎武在给《唐韵正》被注字注音时大量采用了《广韵》又音。 本文的创新点:顾炎武对于上古韵部和上古声调的研究已经引起学界足够的重视,但对于顾炎武的研究是否涉及到上古声母这一问题,前人仅是通过散见于文献中的材料进行推测,并未进行系统研究。本文通过对《唐韵正》注音材料的穷尽式统计,对注音材料中涉及到的声母问题进行系统研究,得出了顾炎武尚未对上古声母有明确认识的结论。 除此之外,本文还探讨了《唐韵正》音注的来源问题,并对《唐韵正》所列《广韵》反切与《宋本广韵》反切不一致的58处一一进行了校勘。
[Abstract]:Gu Yanwu is the founder of ancient phonology in the Qing Dynasty. He has made remarkable achievements in the study of ancient sounds and has exerted a profound influence on the study of ancient sounds in the Qing Dynasty. The five Books of Phonology is the best one to reflect his achievements, in which Tang Yunzheng is chosen to study. The concrete content mainly includes the following two aspects: first, the consonant of Tang Yunzheng phonetic note is investigated. Gu Yanwu pioneered the method of separating Tang Yun, which divided ancient rhyme into ten parts, and made remarkable contribution to ancient rhyme research. Some modern scholars think that Gu Yanwu not only studies the ancient rhyme, but also involves the ancient consonants, so he puts forward the conclusion that "Gu Yanwu already knows that there is no light lip in ancient times". Taking this clue as the starting point, this paper makes a detailed comparative analysis of the consonants of Gu Yanwu's phonetic notes, and discusses the exceptions in the phonetic materials. Through the study, we believe that Gu Yanwu did not have a clear understanding of the ancient consonants. Secondly, the phonetic notes of Tang Yizheng are compared with those of Guangyun. In Gu Yanwu's "Tang Yunzheng" proof materials, we found a large number of such sentences as "this word is closed in twelve-and sixteen-chip parts", which indicates that Gu Yanwu refers to "Guang Yun" and "Guang Yun". Through comparison with Guangyun, we find that there are 976 characters in the notes listed in Tang Yunzheng, in which the phonetic notes of them are the same as those of Guangyun, accounting for nearly 50% of the total number of annotated characters with and without sound. This shows that Gu Yanwu used a large number of "Guangyun" and "Guang Yun" in the annotation of Tang Yunzheng. The innovation of this paper: gu Yanwu's research on the ancient rhyme and tone has attracted enough attention in the academic field, but whether Gu Yanwu's research involves the ancient consonant or not, The predecessors only speculated through the scattered materials in the literature, and did not carry on the systematic research. Based on the exhaustive statistics of "Tang Yunzheng" phonetic materials, this paper systematically studies the consonants involved in the phonetic materials, and draws a conclusion that Gu Yanwu has not yet had a clear understanding of the ancient consonants. In addition, this paper also discusses the origin of the phonetic notes of "Tang Yunzheng", and makes a collation of 58 inconsistencies between "Guangyun" and "Song Ben Guangyun" listed in "Tang Yunzheng".
[Abstract]:Gu Yanwu is the founder of ancient phonology in the Qing Dynasty. He has made remarkable achievements in the study of ancient sounds and has exerted a profound influence on the study of ancient sounds in the Qing Dynasty. The five Books of Phonology is the best one to reflect his achievements, in which Tang Yunzheng is chosen to study. The concrete content mainly includes the following two aspects: first, the consonant of Tang Yunzheng phonetic note is investigated. Gu Yanwu pioneered the method of separating Tang Yun, which divided ancient rhyme into ten parts, and made remarkable contribution to ancient rhyme research. Some modern scholars think that Gu Yanwu not only studies the ancient rhyme, but also involves the ancient consonants, so he puts forward the conclusion that "Gu Yanwu already knows that there is no light lip in ancient times". Taking this clue as the starting point, this paper makes a detailed comparative analysis of the consonants of Gu Yanwu's phonetic notes, and discusses the exceptions in the phonetic materials. Through the study, we believe that Gu Yanwu did not have a clear understanding of the ancient consonants. Secondly, the phonetic notes of Tang Yizheng are compared with those of Guangyun. In Gu Yanwu's "Tang Yunzheng" proof materials, we found a large number of such sentences as "this word is closed in twelve-and sixteen-chip parts", which indicates that Gu Yanwu refers to "Guang Yun" and "Guang Yun". Through comparison with Guangyun, we find that there are 976 characters in the notes listed in Tang Yunzheng, in which the phonetic notes of them are the same as those of Guangyun, accounting for nearly 50% of the total number of annotated characters with and without sound. This shows that Gu Yanwu used a large number of "Guangyun" and "Guang Yun" in the annotation of Tang Yunzheng. The innovation of this paper: gu Yanwu's research on the ancient rhyme and tone has attracted enough attention in the academic field, but whether Gu Yanwu's research involves the ancient consonant or not, The predecessors only speculated through the scattered materials in the literature, and did not carry on the systematic research. Based on the exhaustive statistics of "Tang Yunzheng" phonetic materials, this paper systematically studies the consonants involved in the phonetic materials, and draws a conclusion that Gu Yanwu has not yet had a clear understanding of the ancient consonants. In addition, this paper also discusses the origin of the phonetic notes of "Tang Yunzheng", and makes a collation of 58 inconsistencies between "Guangyun" and "Song Ben Guangyun" listed in "Tang Yunzheng".
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