[Abstract]:Causation or causation, as an important syntactic and semantic category, is a common phenomenon in human language. Causative structure is one of the most important sentence structures in Chinese and is considered to be as important as active sentence and passive sentence in typology. In the development of linguistics, the study of this structure plays an important role. It is important because research in this area often involves the intersection of internal disciplines, such as syntax and semantics. Researchers have done a lot of research on causative structures from different angles, but most of them are descriptive in nature. They have not fully explained the process of syntactic derivation of causative structures, especially under the guidance of the theoretical framework of the simplest scheme. In addition, researchers rarely discuss the generality of causative structures in English and Chinese. The purpose of this paper is to explain the syntactic generation mechanism of causative structures in English and Chinese in the framework of the latest theoretical model of transformative generative grammar-the minimalist scheme. It is considered that both English and Chinese causative structures contain-implicit causative light verbs. It has the same syntactic generation mechanism and explores the commonality of causative structures in English and Chinese in order to provide a new perspective for further research. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the citation part, which introduces the research background, the research problems, the research significance, the research methods and the general structure of the thesis. The second chapter is literature review, reviewing the previous research on causative structure and evaluating it. The third chapter is the theoretical framework adopted in this paper. The fourth chapter is the syntactic analysis of causative structure in English and Chinese. Firstly, the author gives the definition and classification of causative structure, then analyzes the syntactic derivation process of English and Chinese causative structure in detail, and explores the commonness of English and English causative structure. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this paper, including the main findings and shortcomings of this study. Compared with previous studies, the innovation of this thesis is that the author adopts the latest theory in the framework of minimalist scheme, including the hypothesis of internal subject of verbs, the theory of light verbs, composition and displacement, economic principles, and so on. Under the guidance of these theories, the author mainly answers two research questions about the derivation process of causative structure in English and Chinese and their commonality.
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