【摘要】:语言作为人类社会文明发展过程中的重要产物,蕴含着这个民族、国家特有的意识形态与文化特征,而其中惯用语则是语言中最为常见、最为重要的组成部分。所谓惯用语,是在特定的历史、文化条件下,在语言使用者的生活之中能够自然使用的生活化短语。再者,人们在传达同一个人意识时所使用的惯用语也会千差万别。说话人为了正确、生动地向听话人传达自己的意识,把基础语汇重新组织,继而生产惯用语。这种惯用语可以反映特定社会下的特定历史、社会、文化背景,是通过基础语言知识无法理解的高级语言表现形式。因此,无论在学习母语时还是学习外国语时,惯用语都可以称之为必修项目;假如不理解惯用语,在这个语言环境的生活势必会受到极大的限制,几乎不可能充分、完整地进行语言生活。由此,惯用语就成为了语言技术当中不可或缺的组成部分,在语言教育当中也应引入惯用语教学体系。 由上述论述可知,惯用语作为一种固有表现形式,即使是母语亦需要后天大量的学习与努力还可完全理解其含义。听话人接受到说话人传递的惯用语时,需通过学习、联想以及类推等方式来揣摩惯用语的含义,学习者不仅要能知其含义,而且要能在个人交际过程中加以积极正确地灵活运用。因此,惯用语教育是语言学习过程中必不可少的部分。 本文首先比较了中、韩两国初中《语文》教学大纲。以此为基础,对惯用语进行了概念界定,分析了中韩两国《语文》教材,提取了所有的惯用语,并从结构形态的角度对其内部结构进行了分类:1)名词性结构;2)动词型结构;3)形容谓词性结构;4)副词性结构等等,进而对比分析了各类惯用语的使用特征。结论部分总结并提出了中韩《语文》教材中惯用语的总体对应情况表。 第一章绪论中,在先前探讨研究的基础上定义了惯用语的概念及范畴,从而进一步认识惯用语的性质。以语法、语义特征为中心理解惯用语,并对这一条件是否可成为惯用语判定标准的问题进行思索。在分析惯用语教育现状之前,介绍了惯用语教育的理论背景。准确定义并整理了惯用语的概念及其特性,设定了惯用语教育的范畴,浅析了惯用语教育的目标与意义。 第二章中,主要以6册中国中学《朝鲜语文》教材与12册韩国第七版《国语/生活国语》教材为研究对象。整理了中国中学《朝鲜语文》教材与韩国第七版《国语/生活国语》教材中出现的惯用语并用"SynKDP1.5(韩国语综合处理软件)”进行了录入分析,教材录入过程当中参照了以下标准及方法: 为中国中学《朝鲜语文》教材与韩国第七版《国语/生活国语》教材中出现的惯用语制作分类目录。惯用语判定标准的基础上,对教材中的惯用语进行对象限定,并对中国中学《朝鲜语文》教材与韩国第七版《国语/生活国语》教材中出现的惯用语按学期进行了分析。此过程中使用了《朝鲜语大辞典》以及《标准国语大辞典》并对词典中的惯用语词条进行了分类目录制作。分析并阐述了教材中惯用语的结构形态及内容。 第三章中,在第二章的分析内容的基础上对惯用语进行了整体的比较分析。根据《朝鲜语文课程标准》与韩国《第七版韩国语教育课程》,以现实施的与惯用语关联的教育内容和教材中惯用语学习单元为对象,对惯用语教育环境进行了分析。从形态结构角度对其内部结构进行了分类,进而对比分析了各类惯用语的使用特征。 第四章中,对本文的研究成果进行了概括整理。 本文提出了未来惯用语教育的发展方向,是具有基础资料价值的论文。在此基础上,站在惯用语教育的角度对教育课程中的特性以及教授、学习方法进行了全面地论述,提出了更为行之有效的教育方案。因此,希望本文会对中国和韩国中学过于教育的发展起到积极的作用。
[Abstract]:As an important product in the process of the development of human society, the language contains the national and the country's unique ideological and cultural characteristics, and the common language is the most common and most important part in the language. The so-called idiom is an activation phrase that can be used naturally in the life of a language user under certain historical and cultural conditions. In addition, the common language used by people to convey the same person's consciousness is also different. In order to correctly and vividly convey the consciousness of the speaker, the speaker reorganizes the base language, and then produces the idiomatic language. This idiom can reflect the specific historical, social and cultural background of a particular society, which is a high-level form of language that can't be understood through the basic language knowledge. Therefore, when studying the mother tongue or studying the foreign language, the idiomatic language can be called a compulsory project; if not, the living situation in this language environment will be greatly limited, and the language life is almost impossible to be carried out completely and completely. As a result, the idioms have become an integral part of the language technology, and the language teaching system should also be introduced in the language education. As can be seen from the above discussion, the use of the phrase as an inherent form of expression, even in the mother tongue, requires a great deal of learning and effort to fully understand its content By learning, associating, and so on, it is necessary to study the meaning of the habit by learning, associating, and so on. The learners should not only know their meaning, but also be able to carry out the active and correct operation in the course of personal communication. For this reason, the language education is an essential part in the process of language learning The first part of this paper is to compare the Chinese and Korean junior high school
teaching. On the basis of this, the concept of the idioms is defined, the Chinese and Korean materials are analyzed, all the idioms are extracted, and the internal structure of the two countries is classified as follows:1) a noun structure;2) a verb-type structure; and 3) a description predicate. The structure of the subpart, and so on. By means of the characteristic, the conclusion is summarized and the general correspondence of the idioms in the Chinese and Korean language is put forward. in that introduction of the first chapter, the concept and category of the habitual term are defined on the basis of the previous study, so that it is further known The nature of the term. It is the central understanding of the idioms in terms of grammar and semantic features, and the question of whether the condition can be used as a standard for the determination of the term. On the basis of the analysis of the current situation of the customary term education, the article introduces the education of the idioms. In this paper, the concept and characteristics of the idioms are precisely defined and sorted, the category of the traditional language education is set, and the education of the idioms is analyzed. Objective and significance. In the second chapter,6 copies of Chinese middle school, Korean language, and 12 copies of Korean version 7 The teaching material is the object of the study. The old words in Chinese middle school, Korean language> teaching material and the seventh edition of Korean language/ Chinese language> teaching material are compiled and the input and analysis are carried out by the "SynKDP1.5 (Korean integrated processing software)". The reference is made in the course of the material entry. The following standards and methods: in Chinese middle school teaching material and Korean version 7 teaching material Used to make the classification catalog. On the basis of the standard of the use of the standard, the object of the used language in the teaching material is defined, and the common use of the Chinese language> teaching material in the Chinese middle school and the seventh edition of Korean language/ Chinese language> teaching material The language is analyzed in terms of terms of the term. In this process, the and the are used in this process, and the terms used in the dictionary are used In this paper, the classification catalog is made, and the usage in the teaching materials is analyzed and explained. The structure form and content of the language. In the third chapter, on the basis of the analysis of the second chapter, it is used to The language has been compared and analyzed as a whole. According to the Korean Language Curriculum Standard and the Korean Language Education Course in Korean 【学位授予单位】:延边大学
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