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发布时间:2022-01-08 02:26

【文章来源】:上海外国语大学上海市 211工程院校 教育部直属院校

【文章页数】:132 页


List of Tables
    0.1 Object of the Study
        0.1.1 Overview
        0.1.2 Definition of Hand Verbs
        0.1.3 Definition of the “Take” Type Hand verbs
    0.2 Research Questions and Hypotheses
    0.3 Research Methodology and Theoretical Framework
        0.3.1 Research Methodology
        0.3.2 Theoretical Framework
    0.4 Significances of the Study
    0.5 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One Review of the Study of Lexicalization
    1.1 Introduction
    1.2 Diachronic and Synchronic Lexicalization
        1.2.1 Diachronic Lexicalization
        1.2.2 Synchronic Lexicalization
    1.3 Definitions of Lexicalization
    1.4 Topics of Lexicalization Study
    1.5 Degree of Lexicalization
    1.6 Lexicalization Pattern
    1.7 Summary
Chapter Two Collection of the “Take” Type Hand Verbs
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Collection of the Chinese “Take” Type Hand verbs
    2.3 Collection of the English “Take” Type Hand Verbs
    2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Semantic Analysis of the Chinese and English “Take” Type Hand Verbs
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Method of Semantic Analysis
        3.2.1 Semantic Field Theory
        3.2.2 Componential Analysis
        3.2.3 Semantic-Component Analysis
    3.3 Extraction of Semantic Components
        3.3.1 Talmy’s Extraction of Semantic Components from Motion Verbs
        3.3.2 Redefinition and Partition of Manner
        3.3.3 Extraction of other Semantic Components
    3.4 Semantic Analysis of the Chinese “Take” Type Hand Verbs
        3.4.1 The Meanings of the Chinese “Take” Type Hand Verbs
        3.4.2 The Distribution of the Semantic Components in the Chinese Verbs
        3.4.3 In-depth Semantic Analysis of the Chinese Verbs
    3.5 Semantic Analysis of the English “Take” Type Hand Verbs
        3.5.1 The Meanings of the English “Take” Type Hand Verbs
        3.5.2 The Distribution of the Semantic Components in the English Verbs
        3.5.3 In-depth Semantic Analysis of the English Verbs
    3.6 Contrastive Study of the Semantic Components of the “Take” Type Hand Verbs in Chinese and English
        3.6.1 Contrastive Study of the Proportions of the ‘Location’, ‘Motion’ and ‘Location’ & ‘Motion’ Verbs
        3.6.2 Contrastive Study of the Types of Semantic Components
        3.6.3 Contrastive Study of the Conflation of the Semantic Components
    3.7 Summary
Chapter Four The Chinese and English “Take” Type Hand Verbs’ Degrees of Lexicalization and Lexicalization Patterns
    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 The Chinese and English “Take” Type Hand Verbs’ Degrees of Lexicalization
        4.2.1 Overview
        4.2.2 The Number of Semantic Components Conflated
        4.2.3 Synthetic Expression and Analytic Expression
        4.2.4 Morphological Structure
        4.2.5 Summing up
    4.3 The Chinese and English “Take” Type Hand Verbs’ Lexicalization Patterns
        4.3.1 Overview
        4.3.2 Core Meaning
        4.3.3 Conflation of Manner
        4.3.4 Conflation of Path
        4.3.5 Conflation of Other Elements
        4.3.6 The Chinese and English “Take” Type Hand Verbs’ Lexicalization Patterns
    4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Findings and Discussion on the Reasons behind the Similarities and Differences in Lexicalization
    5.1 Introduction
    5.2 Findings
    5.3 Discussion on the Reasons behind the Similarities and Differences in Lexicalization
    5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
    6.1 Introduction
    6.2 Contributions of the Research
    6.3 Limitations of the Research and Suggestions for Further Study
    6.4 Summary

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