发布时间:2017-09-03 02:22
更多相关文章: 场独立 场依存 内容准确 表达流畅 笔译成绩
【摘要】:翻译是一种高级的认知心理活动。在翻译过程中,译者的翻译行为会受到诸如动机、个人风格、心理状态及环境因素等多种变量的影响。近年来,国内的翻译教学研究虽也开始重视学习者的个体差异,,但大多集中在教学方法和课程设计上,有关学习者翻译认知风格的研究并不多见。在以“学习者为中心”进行翻译教育的形势下,有关翻译学习者认知风格的研究仍有待进一步挖掘。 鉴于场独立、场依存型认知风格代表着人们在信息加工时两种截然不同的倾向,本文以41名英语专业大三学生为研究对象,旨在探讨以上两种认知风格学习者在译文的内容准确、表达流畅方面是否存在不同,以及两者的翻译成绩有何差异,并就其原因进行深入探究。 研究结果表明:汉译英时,1)场独立者在译文内容准确方面的得分优于场依存者,并有显著性差异;2)场独立者虽在译文表达流畅方面的得分高于场依存者,但无显著性差异;3)场独立、场依存型认知风格与汉译英成绩呈现出了中度相关。此时,场独立者的翻译成绩优于场依存者,且有显著性差异。英译汉时,1)场独立者在译文内容准确方面的得分高于场依存者,并有显著性差异;2)场独立者虽在译文表达流畅方面的得分高于场依存者,但没有显著性差异;3)场独立、场依存型认知风格与英译汉成绩呈现出了中度相关。此时,场独立者的翻译成绩优于场依存者,并出现了显著性差异。由此可见,场独立、场依存型认知风格对学习者的翻译学习产生的较大影响。 最后,本研究探讨了认知风格对翻译教学的意义。在翻译教学中,教师应最大化地拓展翻译学习者自身认知风格的优势,使其更有效地进行翻译学习。由于本次研究的调查范围以及作者能力所限,本文还存在一定的局限性,有待于今后做进一步的研究和探讨。
【关键词】:场独立 场依存 内容准确 表达流畅 笔译成绩
- 指导教师评语6-7
- Acknowledgements7-8
- 中文摘要8-9
- Abstract9-13
- Chapter 1 Introduction13-16
- 1.1 Research Background13-14
- 1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study14-15
- 1.3 Organization of the Thesis15-16
- Chapter 2 Literature Review16-34
- 2.1 Cognitive Styles16-20
- 2.1.1 Definition of Cognitive Styles16-18
- 2.1.2 Categorization of Cognitive Styles18-20
- 2.2 Field Independent/Dependent20-26
- 2.2.1 Definition of Field Independent and Field Dependent20-22
- 2.2.2 Characteristics of Field Independent and Field Dependent22-25
- 2.2.3 Assessment of Field Independent and Field Dependent25-26
- 2.3 Review of Studies on Cognitive Styles in Translation Learning26-32
- 2.3.1 Integrated Studies on Translation Learning27-29
- 2.3.2 Studies on Interpreting29-30
- 2.3.3 Studies on Written Translation30-32
- 2.4 Summary32-34
- Chapter 3 Methodology34-39
- 3.1 Research Questions34
- 3.2 Participants34-35
- 3.3 Instruments35-38
- 3.3.1 Cognitive Styles Figure Test35
- 3.3.2 Translation Test Materials35-36
- 3.3.3 Assessment Scales36-38
- 3.4 Procedures and Data Collection38-39
- Chapter 4 Results of English-Chinese Translation Test and Discussion39-46
- 4.1 Relationship between Learners’s FI/FD Cognitive Style and their E-C Translation Achievements39-41
- 4.2 Difference between FI and FD Learners in Terms of Accuracy in E-C Translation41-43
- 4.3 Difference between FI and FD Learners in Terms of Fluency in E-C Translation43-46
- Chapter 5 Results of Chinese-English Translation Test and Discussion46-53
- 5.1 Relationship between Learners’ FI/FD Cognitive Style and their C-E Translation Achievements46-48
- 5.2 Difference between FI and FD Learners in terms of Accuracy in C-E Translation48-50
- 5.3 Difference between FI and FD Learners in terms of Fluency in C-E Translation50-53
- Chapter 6 Comparisons of FI/FD Learners’ Translation Achievements between E-C & C-E Translations53-57
- 6.1 The Correlations between CSFT Scores and E-C & C-E Translation Academic Performances53-54
- 6.2 Difference between FI and FD Learners on Translation Achievements54-55
- 6.3 Difference between FI and FD Learners on Accuracy in E-C & C-E Translations55
- 6.4 Difference between FI and FD Learners on Fluency in E-C & C-E Translations55-57
- Chapter 7 Conclusion57-60
- 7.1 Major Findings57
- 7.2 Pedagogical Implications57-58
- 7.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further Study Bibliography58-60
- Bibliography60-64
- Appendix 1 翻译测试题及参考译文64-66
- Appendix 2 镶嵌图形测试66-71
- List of Tables71
中国期刊全文数据库 前6条
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