发布时间:2017-09-07 08:03
【摘要】:本文对专业医疗口译员与朋友译员进行了系统的对比研究。基于对现场观察记录、语料及调查问卷的详尽分析,本文讨论了专业译员与朋友译员的优缺点和外国病人对于两种译员的观点,对中国医疗系统如何应对现今医疗口译状况的问题提出了建议。 文章首先解释了本研究选题理据、研究问题,以及数据的采集方法。然后对医疗口译以及医疗口译员的大致状况进行了概述,讨论了医疗口译的定义、发展、特征和必要性,医疗口译员的组成、角色,以及中国医疗口译现状。第三章详述了本文的方法论。第四章和第五章通过详细的语料分析,探讨了专业译员与朋友译员在翻译策略、为病患代言以及澄清问题等方面的差异,发现两种译员各有优劣势。 从病人的视角来看,专业译员能对跨语言的就医和治疗过程产生良好影响,如调节医患关系,保护患者的权益等。然而,专业译员在中国乃稀缺人才‘,不容易随时找到,其雇佣花费也居高不下。相比之下,朋友译员比较容易找到。他们不仅可以帮助病人完成医疗诊断过程,同时,他们在病人就诊之前和就诊之后的相关事项方面仍可以提供协助。但是,朋友译员的翻译质量,以及他们对医疗过程的干涉等问题,可能会对治疗成效构成一定的风险。 两种译员如何取舍其实取决于实际情况。本文认为,重要的是要确保中国的医疗系统能够为外国病人提供良好的服务,医生能够与两种译员进行良好的合作。
【关键词】:专业医疗口译员 朋友译员 对比 病人视角
- Abstract4-6
- 摘要6-13
- Chapter 1 Introduction13-20
- 1.1 Rationale for the selection of this topic13-15
- 1.2 Research questions for this study15-17
- 1.3 Data collection for this study17-18
- 1.4 Organization of this thesis18-20
- Chapter 2 Literature Review20-37
- 2.1 Medical interpreting20-27
- 2.1.1 Definition22
- 2.1.2 Development22-24
- 2.1.3 Features24-26
- 2.1.4 Necessity26-27
- 2.2 Medical interpreters27-31
- 2.2.1 Composition of medical interpreters27-30
- 2.2.2 Medical interpreters' role30-31
- 2.3 Medical interpreting in China31-32
- 2.4 Previous comparative studies of medical interpreters32-37
- Chapter 3 Methodology37-43
- 3.1 On-site observations and recordings38-39
- 3.2 Analysis of transcripts39-41
- 3.3 Questionnaire41-42
- 3.4 Questionnaire structure42-43
- Chapter 4 Results and Discussions of the On-site Observations43-56
- 4.1 Professional interpreters43-47
- 4.1.1 Role perception43-45
- 4.1.2 Speaking for patients45-46
- 4.1.3 Doubt clarification46-47
- 4.2 Friend interpreters47-52
- 4.2.1 Coping with medical terminology48-49
- 4.2.2 Role perception:Speaking on behalf of patients49-51
- 4.2.3 Doubt clarification51-52
- 4.3 No interpreter52-54
- 4.4 Summary of results of on-site observations54-56
- Chapter 5 Results and Discussions of the Questionnaire56-72
- 5.1 Results of the questionnaire56-62
- 5.1.1 Demographic information56-58
- 5.1.2 Language barriers and methods of overcoming them58-59
- 5.1.3 Friends as interpreters59-60
- 5.1.4 Friend interpreters versus professional medical interpreters60
- 5.1.5 Important quality for medical interpreters60-61
- 5.1.6 The questionnaire to friend interpreters61-62
- 5.2 Discussions from patients' perspective62-71
- 5.2.1 Necessity of medical interpreters63-65
- 5.2.2 Professional medical interpreters65-67
- 5.2.3 Friend interpreters67-71
- 5.3 Summary of results of the questionnaire71-72
- Chapter 6 Recommendations72-81
- 6.1 The health care system72-75
- 6.1.1 National system for the provision of medical interpreters73-74
- 6.1.2 Special departments for foreign patients74
- 6.1.3 Basic language training for medical staff74-75
- 6.2 Doctors75-81
- 6.2.1 Way of communication76-77
- 6.2.2 Speaking turns77-78
- 6.2.3 Working with non-professional interpreters78-79
- 6.2.4 Working with no interpreter79-81
- Chapter 7 Conclusion81-85
- 7.1 Limitations82-83
- 7.2 Suggestions for further research83-85
- Appendices85-126
- References126-130
- Acknowledgments130-131
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
1 苏伟;;从“传声筒”到“医患关系的协调者”——一项针对医疗译员角色的实证研究[J];外语研究;2010年05期
2 苏伟;;社区口译在中国[J];上海翻译;2009年04期
3 王燕;王甜;卢宝叶;张兰;杨青;王燕鹏;;医院中涉外医疗翻译的角色定位与行为规范[J];现代医院;2008年05期