发布时间:2017-10-03 21:03
更多相关文章: 网络民生新闻标题 积极话语分析 评价理论 对比分析
【摘要】:标题是对新闻语篇最精华、最值得关注的内容的浓缩,因而被认为是新闻语篇的灵魂,对读者理解新闻语篇有着重要的引导和指向作用。随着网络新闻成为大众获取新闻的一种日益重要的形式和影响最为广泛的网络信息类型,网络新闻标题也受到了越来越多的关注。标题中不同语言形式的选择,反映了新闻报道注重的侧面不同,同时也体现了媒体不同的立场和观点 积极话语分析作为批评话语分析的补充,主张从建构的角度分析语篇,希望通过话语分析推进和谐社会的建立和发展。评价理论是解读和阐释语言使用者的立场、观点和态度的一套评价性的语义资源系统。本文从积极话语分析的角度,基于评价理论,采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,对比分析两类新闻网站(官方新闻网站和商业新闻网站)中相同民生新闻事件的标题,旨在找出其中评价资源的不同分布情况和特点,并揭示这些评价资源分别是如何在协调社会矛盾,构建和谐社会中起积极作用的。 总而言之,本文是用评价理论这一理论工具对网络民生新闻标题进行积极话语分析的尝试。虽然不够深入和全面,但为网络新闻标题的分析打开了新的视角,对批评话语分析也起到了补充作用。
【关键词】:网络民生新闻标题 积极话语分析 评价理论 对比分析
- Acknowledgements4-7
- Abstract7-9
- 内容摘要9-10
- Chapter One Introduction10-13
- 1.1 Research background10-11
- 1.2 Significance of the research11
- 1.3 Objectives of the research11
- 1.4 Research methodology11-12
- 1.5 Organization of the research12-13
- Chapter Two Literature Review13-22
- 2.1 Previous study of news headlines13-17
- 2.1.1 Previous researches on traditional news headlines13-14
- 2.1.2 Previous researches on network news headlines14-16
- 2.1.3 Limitations and problems16-17
- 2.2 Previous researches on the Appraisal Theory17-19
- 2.3 Previous researches on positive discourse analysis19-22
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework22-36
- 3.1 Positive discourse analysis22-24
- 3.1.1 Definition of PDA22
- 3.1.2 Relationship between PDAand CDA22-24
- Research motivation22-23
- Research field23
- Analysis methodology23-24
- Philosophical foundation24
- 3.2 Appraisal theory24-36
- 3.2.1 Attitude system25-31
- Affect system26-28
- Judgment system28-30
- Appreciation system30-31
- 3.2.2 Engagement system31-34
- Dialogic contraction32-33
- Dialogic expansion33-34
- 3.2.3 Graduation system34-36
- Force34-35
- Focus35-36
- Chapter Four PDA of Civil News Headlines from Two Kinds of News Websites36-59
- 4.1 Definition and features of civil news36-37
- 4.2 Network news headlines37-39
- 4.2.1 Definition of network news headlines37-38
- 4.2.2 Features of network news headlines38
- 4.2.3 Functions of network news headlines38-39
- 4.3 PDA of the civil news headlines:appraisal framework perspective39-40
- 4.4 PDA of the civil news headlines:attitude system perspective40-48
- 4.4.1 Affective resources in the civil news headlines41-44
- 4.4.2 Judgmental resources in the civil news headlines44-46
- 4.4.3 Appreciative resources in the civil news headlines46-48
- 4.5 PDA of the civil news headlines:engagement system perspective48-54
- 4.5.1 Dialogic contractive resources in the civil news headlines49-53
- 4.5.2 Dialogic expansive resources in the civil news headlines53-54
- 4.6 PDA of the civil news headlines:graduation system perspective54-59
- 4.6.1 Force in the civil news headlines55-58
- 4.6.2 Focus in the civil news headlines58-59
- Chapter Five Conclusion59-63
- 5.1 Major findings of the study59-61
- 5.2 Limitations and suggestions of the study61-63
- References63-68
- Appendix68-84
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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