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发布时间:2018-06-30 10:08

  本文选题:王蒙 + 叙述声音 ; 参考:《湖北师范学院》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:According to the time sequence, this paper divides Wang Meng novels into monophonic stage, multi-sound initial formation stage and multi-sound development and deepening stage from the angle of narrative sound, and analyzes the evolution process and the characteristics and causes of narrative sound in each stage. At the same time, the author analyzes the depth and lack of the narrative spirit in each stage, and probes into the common deficiency and individual, cultural and social reasons of modern and contemporary Chinese writers in this respect. This paper is divided into five parts as follows: the introduction mainly describes the background, purpose and significance of this paper. From the perspective of narratology, with the help of the relevant theories of structuralism and feminism and the dialogue theory of Bakhtin's "polyphonic" novel, the author determines the possibility of studying Wang Meng's novels from the theoretical level and from this perspective. Chapter one: taking one of the masterpieces of Wang Meng's literary creation, Viva Youth, as an example, through the narrator's discourse, the character's discourse, the paraphrase discourse, The construction of character image system confirms that Wang Meng novels in this stage have strong characteristics of author control, which is embodied in the level of narrative sound, which makes the novel have a distinct "single sound" feature. This monophonic feature reflects the author's unipolar ideological position. On this basis, this chapter will analyze the individual, cultural and social reasons that formed this monophonic feature, and compare it with relevant representative works of the same period in order to reveal the subjective and objective reasons of monophonic features in Wang Meng's early monologue novels. Chapter two: taking Butterfly, one of Wang Meng's representative works in the period of literary creation transformation, as an example, the author analyzes Wang Meng's narrative discourse in this period, while continuing the monophonic state, from the aspects of character monologue and narrative intonation. The emergence of the "mixed voice" and "miscellaneous language" factors. Narrative discourse, on the one hand, constantly weakens the characteristics of the author's control, on the other hand, it maintains "tolerance" to the dissident voice. At the same time, there is a trend of diversity in the world of characters, which indirectly reflects the complicated trend of the unipolar ideology insisted by the author. On this basis, this chapter will explore the subjective and objective factors that lead to this change. The third chapter: taking "the activity changes the Human form" as an example, analyzes the Wang Meng literature creation enters a multi-tone development deepening stage in the late 1980s, in this novel, not only the narrator and the author produced the "distance", narrator discourse. The character discourse and the reporting discourse also appear the obvious multi-tone characteristic. However, the new pattern of character image shaping and setting, and the choice and transformation of multidimensional narrative perspective, show that the author has basically exceeded the control of single ideological criterion and univariate world outlook, and the multi-tone form of narration has been basically formed. The formation of multi-part narration also confirms the author's changes in aesthetic and literary tastes, which is closely related to Wang Meng's deepening of his own understanding of life and society, and his understanding and adaptation to the multi-cultural and conceptual pattern of the new era. The last part mainly explores the overall relationship between the narration voice of Wang Meng's novels from single to multi-tone, from monologue to dialogue with the change of the times and personal adaptation. At the same time, the author points out that in the third stage of Wang Meng's novels, the "multi-voice" narration of the spirit is superficial, which is related to Wang Meng's own personal way of life and world outlook. He has the most profound connection to the adaptation choice of the present reality. At the same time, this feature also has great representativeness for contemporary Chinese writers and literature. Therefore, it is of special value to take it as a specimen to see through the historical characteristics and limitations of Chinese contemporary writers and literature.


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7 刘芊s,




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