[Abstract]:Urban color, refers to a city (including buildings, public facilities, natural environment, human landscape, etc.) integrated color presentation. At present, the domestic and foreign city color research has also obtained the corresponding result. However, there are still some misunderstandings in urban color planning in China. Due to the lack of pertinence and maneuverability of urban color planning, it is difficult to combine urban color planning with urban construction practice, and it is not feasible, convenient and efficient. Distinctive urban color management mode. This paper first studies the basic principle of urban color, analyzes the basic cases of urban color planning at home and abroad, and makes a concentrated analysis and comparative study on the basic elements and main types of urban color. Secondly, the paper studies the current situation of Yang Ling's urban color, through the analysis of the present situation, draws the question and the key content which need to be solved urgently. Third, according to the above research and analysis conclusions, this paper focuses on the interpretation of Yang Ling's urban color planning plan, and determines to take green as the keynote, yellow as the auxiliary, red and gray as the embellishment color. The three forms the city color of agricultural science city with the theme of "spring rhyme", creates the romantic and cheerful urban "pastoral city" color landscape, and shows the vitality and charm of Yang Ling's modern urban landscape. Yang Ling, is our country's only high-tech agricultural technology industry development demonstration area. In the more than 20 years of urban development, Yang Ling's urban style has also undergone great changes, gradually forming a comprehensive city with ecotourism, agricultural science and technology, and ecological residence as the core. Because the city color landscape is an important city business card, so the city color landscape also becomes a part of the city construction, but Yang Ling's city color actually has many problems. Such as: the theme is not prominent, local is not meticulous, the whole is more messy problem. Due to the lack of research and control on urban color planning in the past, the current situation of Yang Ling's urban color is chaotic and disorderly, which is worrying. Based on the principle and method of urban color planning, it is an important way to renew the urban color of Yang Ling by studying and analyzing Yang Ling's urban style and color concept.
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