[Abstract]:Shici area is not only a scenic area, but also a residential area, but also a historical and cultural reserve. The three zones are one, the function is interlaced, the people flow is dense, the building density is high, but the park green space for people's use and activity is extremely limited and the form is single. This research aims at the actual shortage of the open space in the present situation of the venue, and the lack of systematicness, "Jingwei", and makes use of the characteristics and advantages of the pocket park to carry out the systematic planning and design under a lot of restrictive factors of the venue. Optimizing open space system. In the stage of site investigation and analysis, find out the main problems in the site. First of all, access to information, investigation of public awareness, a general survey of the site; Second, surveying and mapping on the ground, consulting documents, sorting out the size, distribution, landscape, usage and elements of all the open space in the site, and analyzing the service area; Thirdly, the population density of tourists and residents is analyzed, and the characteristics of population distribution are obtained. Fourth, it analyzes the restrictive and available factors of conservation and utilization, including graded protected areas, cultural relics and monuments, architectural preservation and renewal, ancient trees and famous trees, and spatial landscape structure analysis. In the planning stage, the planning goal is to pay attention to the level, network and function of pocket park, to take 300m as service area, to cover the site completely, and to protect the historical features and landscape spatial pattern of the site. By using suitability analysis method, the evaluation map is obtained by superposing the map layer of pocket park planning, which can guide the formation of planning scheme, including pocket park layout, system classification, main service objects, function types, and the upgrading of open space. System network connection planning, form pocket park system. In the design stage, the design principles of local, harmonious, unified, simple, Beijing-style and human nature are emphasized. The design principles are coordinated with the scale of the site and the historical style. The style is relatively unified, subordinate to the urban landscape structure, and truly meets the needs of the users. The landscape space with Beijing flavor characteristic. In the pocket park on the elements of the definition of the general design method. The typical pocket park and green road are designed in the section of Wanghai building. At the technical level, using GIS network analysis, superposition analysis, neighborhood analysis, raster data processing and so on, get useful information for planning and design, accurately grasp and evaluate the site, guide the planning and design. Through the practice of planning and design, we can see that in Shici area, the present situation of lack of green space and open space can be improved by the way of planning pocket park, and the application of pocket park in the old urban area is promising. Although pocket park is small in area and imperfect in function, it only belongs to the spot distribution structure in green space system on a larger scale, but it should also pay attention to the systematicness of pocket park in the design of specific area. Create functional systems (such as landscape system, recreation system, ecological system, disaster prevention system, etc.), through the necessary linear connection to form a hierarchical pocket park network system.
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