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发布时间:2018-12-27 13:30
[Abstract]:Furu farm was developed and built by the author. At the end of 2011, the overall plan of leisure agriculture and rural tourism of Furu Farm was drawn up, which was built according to the content of the plan in April 2012. Fulu Farm makes full use of local agricultural landscape resources, agricultural production conditions, rural tourism resources, red tourism resources, tourism development, leisure tourism activities. This form of agricultural production and management with the nature of "agricultural tourism" can not only develop agricultural production, maintain the ecological environment, expand the function of rural recreation, but also achieve the purpose of improving agricultural efficiency and prospering rural economy. However, in the process of construction and practice, there are some deviations between the planning content and the actual operation, local market demand, including the feasibility of some planned projects in the actual operation, which brings some difficulties to the construction and operation. In the original plan, the target positioning of the whole project is not clear, which leads to the poor landing of the follow-up construction project, and some of the construction projects have strong practical operation, but the cost is too large. Lack of market research and analysis in the project operation, the project layout and planning divorced from the actual needs; In addition, there are three problems in the original plan, that is, emphasizing planning and planning, valuing assets over operation, and emphasizing tourism and agriculture. To a large extent, the triple-light problem restricts the industrial development of farms and the layout and construction of projects. Fixed assets investment is relatively large, pay attention to the construction of hardware facilities, lack of software facilities planning and construction; This research focuses on the planning background, the local natural and social environment, how to develop modern leisure agriculture and rural tourism in accordance with local conditions, and expounds the implementation of the planning and construction process of Furu Farm. How to run through the main line of leisure agriculture and rural tourism all the time, and according to the actual existence situation, the content of planning and construction is partly revised and perfected, and the operation management plan of farm is revised and perfected at the same time. In this study, in the landscape layout and construction of the farm, the theory of landscape gardening and the related theoretical knowledge of landscape architecture are fully used. In the process of planning revision and on the basis of agricultural production, the existing land in the park is fully utilized. The use of landscape plants to create garden landscape, enhance the overall landscape effect of the manor. In this study, in the revision of the original planning plan, the elements of creative agriculture are incorporated, the butterfly theme, agricultural theme and local red tourism resources are combined to develop all kinds of festival activities, creative products, etc. Make Furu farm become the unique leisure farm in Longyan area. At the end of this study, the problems existing in the planning of Furu Farm are revised and summarized, the definition of the farm is redefined, the development direction of the farm is clarified, and the unreasonable construction projects in the planning are cancelled or amended. Introducing the butterfly element, creating the characteristics of farm, improving the core competitiveness of farm, constructing the commercial profit model of farm, strengthening the profitability of farm; To establish and perfect the management system of the farm, to promote the standardized management of the farm, and to further guide the management and development of the farm in the future.


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