[Abstract]:Through the study of Marcuse's "new sensibility" and the present situation of art education, this paper intends to reveal the influence of this social environment on human nature and art education. Perceptual alienation makes people blindly pursue material satisfaction. The technological rationality brought by the social progress is a kind of power to rule the society, and it is also the suppression and imprisonment of the human nature, which will control and manipulate the human beings and make them lose their criticism and negation. The resistance of art to reality makes it break the imprison of sensibility, "eliminate" the sensibility of numbness and blindness, and untie repression. Art plays an irreplaceable role in the construction of "new sensibility", so the mission of art education can be imagined. Art can't change the world, but it can change the minds of men and women, and men and women can change the world. Art education is a bridge between art and ordinary people. Through aesthetic education, art can be translated and the ideas contained therein can be accepted by more people. However, the current general trend of thought in the field of art education in China is firmly controlled by "examination-oriented", commercial or other realistic factors. Thus, aesthetic education exists only as a tool that can reach the goal and gain benefits. The artistic power behind it was greatly weakened by reality. In my opinion, this is the current art educators should pay attention to and think about the problem. The content of art education is distorted and the goal is shifted. In fact, then, art has become the same instrumental discipline as language and science. Art is the pursuit of freedom, so it has resistance to reality, and can reflect and reflect on the present situation in time, which is why art is indispensable. Based on the current social situation, the present aesthetic education situation and Marcuse's "new sensibility", this paper considers where the three links lie. The article points out that art education is indispensable to human nature education and how to do it in order to call back people's healthy sensibility and construct "new sensibility".
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