[Abstract]:The speeding up of modernization makes the scope of city expand, subway construction naturally becomes one of the themes of urban development. The subway, like the meridian of a city, embodies the characteristics of a city and epitomizes the history, culture, politics, economy and art and design of the city. Taking the design of Wuhan metro visual guidance system under the background of big data as the main research object, this paper uses the popular big data analysis, statistics, calculation and so on. This paper focuses on solving the problems of identification and traffic diversion of visual guidance system in the public space environment of Wuhan city subway. By means of observation, information analysis and other research methods, this paper puts forward the problems existing in the existing guidance system of Wuhan Metro, and combines the visual design with big data's analysis, thus creatively puts forward the existing problems and ponders over them, and probes into the ways to solve them. It also tries to provide practical theoretical basis and reference method for the design of visual guidance system for urban subway passenger flow in the future. Today's era, is an era of big data, is to pay attention to creativity, breakthrough era. At present, the subway visual guidance system in many countries has entered the stage of "pursuing quality, individuality, big data and science and technology" after meeting the demand of "moderate rules" in the first stage. In the face of such design requirements, how to use big data to develop a set of useful and practical guidance system on the basis of meeting the functional requirements has become the focus of this design. From the angle of renewal of design idea, change of aesthetic demand, progress and development of science and technology, this paper aims to study the design of modern subway guide system with the significance of the times. It is expected to have direct guiding significance to the design of Wuhan metro guiding system.
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