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发布时间:2018-01-20 02:35

  本文关键词: 海派 金鱼题材 主题 象征性 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:海上画派又称“上海画派”指的是我国19世纪中叶云集于上海的各有专长的各类画家的统称。 近代的上海经过开埠之后,工商业的发展立刻活跃了上海的艺术市场,吸引了周边特别是江浙一带的画家。虽然“海派”画家的师承有所不同,但是他们都是长期居住在上海(赵之谦、虚谷除外),并且“海派”善于把诗、书、画、印一体的文人画传统与民间美术传统结合起来,将明清大写意水墨画技艺和金石艺术中刚健雄强的审美特色、强烈鲜艳的色彩融会贯通,描写民间喜闻乐见的题材,形成雅俗共赏的新风貌。 虚谷是“海派”画家中的代表人物之一。虚谷与赵之谦是“海派”画家中仅有的两个没有定居于上海的画家,在19世纪的上海,花鸟画家云集,虚谷之所以能立足,还能够引起后人的重视,追随者众多,由此虚谷的花鸟画还成为了一个格调,主要是因为虚谷的花鸟画的个性很强,比赵之谦、任伯年、胡公寿、王礼、周闲、胡璋、蒲华等人的花鸟画多了几分奇峭冷逸和清寒冷隽的气息。虚谷擅长画金鱼题材的花鸟画,并且虚谷笔下的金鱼有着自己鲜明的特色:他笔下的金鱼头、眼眶、形体都是方形,整体上看头部与鱼体连为一体,成为一个长方形。实际上不存在这种鱼,而是他适当变形经过艺术加工的简化、装饰、抽象化的金鱼。以方笔勾出金鱼的躯体,改变了金鱼轻盈柔美的自然形态,显得似乎笨拙,但比自然界的金鱼更美更富有情趣。 虚谷在创作金鱼题材时,‘从注重描绘客观物象的真实感,到注重表现画家的思想情感、艺术意趣,从注重写实到注重写意,开创了绘画审美情趣、绘画理论发展的新趋势。虚谷的艺术在近代绘画中是独具新意的,这除了自身的才情、苦学的精神、及虚心容物之量外,还在于他能凭借对物象惊人的理解和概括而进入表现的境界。平易与舒洁的素质,追求意境的深邃和意味的悠长是他所追求的目标。
[Abstract]:" Shanghai Painting School " , also known as " Shanghai Painting School " , refers to the general name of various artists with special expertise in Shanghai in the middle of the 19th century . After the opening of modern Shanghai , the development of business and commerce immediately became active in Shanghai ' s art market , which attracted the painter of the surrounding areas , especially the Zhejiang and Zhejiang areas . Although the teachers of " The School " are different , they are long - lived in Shanghai ( with the exception of Zhao Zhiqian and Xu Valley ) , and the " Haipai " is good at combining the traditional and folk art tradition of poetry , book , painting and printing . The virtual valley is one of the representative characters in the painter of " The Sea School " . The virtual valley and Zhao Zhiqian are the only two painters who are not settled in Shanghai . In the 19th century , the flowers and birds of the flower and bird paintings are square , and the golden fish in the empty valley is a rectangle . In fact there is no such fish , but the golden fish in the empty valley has its own distinct characteristics . In the creation of the theme of goldfish , the virtual valley pays attention to the realistic feeling of the objective image , pays attention to the artist ' s thoughts and feelings and artistic interest . It has created a new trend of painting aesthetic interest and painting theory .



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1 李淑辉;;一声清罄 余韵悠远——虚谷的生平与艺术[J];电影评介;2008年16期

2 李合民;超凡的意识 脱俗的笔墨——诌论虚谷花鸟画艺术[J];甘肃教育学院学报(社会科学版);2001年04期

3 马琳琳;;浅谈虚谷绘画的形式美[J];文艺理论与批评;2008年06期

4 倪勇;周小儒;;率意中见空灵,冷隽里有内美——论海派大师虚谷花鸟画艺术[J];艺术探索;2008年01期




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