本文关键词: 当代工笔人物画 审美及审美取向 新的发展 出处:《西南交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:中国工笔人物画的发展历史已有千余年,它以精勾细染的语言样式区别于纵笔挥写的水墨写意画,不同的绘画样式与创作理念使其在中国花坛独树一帜、璀璨夺目,屹立于世界艺术之林。当今中国工笔人物画坛涌现出了各种不同的思潮,呈现百花齐放的局面。当代工笔人物画家,或多或少都受到当代文化的冲击与洗礼,结合画家自身的特质形成了各种各样的审美取向。“笔墨当随时代”,工笔人物画的审美取向也一样,随时代的变迁,而有它独特的时代性。经济的高速发展,物质生活的丰富多样,以及由此产生的当代文化的异彩缤纷,各种新思潮、新观念的应运而生,在高度全球化、信息化的今天,由此而引发的艺术观念、艺术形式、艺术行为从本质上说都离不开时代的制约。新的意识、观念,新的材料、技术、工具等的出现或直接或间接的影响着我们审美取向的变化。 不同民族、不同国家,不一样的道德伦理,生活习惯、地理环境等等,都会造成不一样的审美要求。尤其是在现代化的进程中,当代工笔人物画展现了新的审美取向,表达了有别于以往不同时代独特的姿态。80年代出生的我们,有着我们独特的审美视角。这是一个快节奏的时代也是一个处处充满幻像的时代,真真假假、扑朔迷离。在现实中,在公众视野里,或许人们表现出来的只是改装之后的自己。迷茫的现代人,并不敢轻易表露自己真实的一面,当夜色来临、繁华褪尽,一个人独处的时候,是否才能看清自己本来的样子?因此我的论文与创作所要表达的就是在面具下、在镜像中种种的自己,透过作品创作的过程,更多更深的自我认识。 我们生活在一个多元复杂的信息时代,我们的生活必然要受到信息文化的制约和影响,也同时际遇种种时尚文化信息的冲击。艺术作为时代的产物,就不可避免的打上了时代的烙印----这不仅是我们当今生活的文化特点,也是形成当代中国工笔人物画新的审美取向的根本原因。
[Abstract]:The development history of Chinese fine brushwork figure painting has been more than a thousand years, it is different from the freehand brushwork written by the vertical brush in the language style of fine dyeing. Different painting styles and creative ideas make it unique in the Chinese flower bed. Nowadays, various trends of thought have emerged in the field of Chinese fine brushwork figure painting, showing the situation of blooming in a hundred flowers, and contemporary meticulous figure painters. More or less by the impact and baptism of contemporary culture, combined with the characteristics of the painter itself to form a variety of aesthetic orientation. "pen and ink should follow the times", fine figure painting aesthetic orientation is the same, with the change of the times. And has its unique epoch, the rapid development of economy, rich and diverse material life, and the resulting colorful contemporary culture, a variety of new trends of thought, new ideas came into being, in the high degree of globalization. Information technology today, the resulting art concept, art form, art behavior is essentially inseparable from the constraints of the times. New consciousness, ideas, new materials, technology. The appearance of tools directly or indirectly affects the change of our aesthetic orientation. Different nationalities, different countries, different moral ethics, living habits, geographical environment and so on, will cause different aesthetic requirements, especially in the process of modernization. Contemporary meticulous figure painting shows a new aesthetic orientation, expressing different from the previous unique posture of different times. We were born in the 1980s. With our unique aesthetic perspective. This is a fast-paced era is also a full of illusion era, true and false, complicated. In reality, in public view. Perhaps people show just after the modification of their own. Confused modern people, do not dare to show their true side, when the night came, prosperity faded, a person alone when. Is it possible to see who you are? Therefore, my thesis and creation is to express under the mask, in the mirror of all kinds of self, through the process of creation, more and deeper self-understanding. We live in a multi-complex information age, our life is bound to be restricted and influenced by information culture, but also met with the impact of various fashion cultural information. Art as the product of the times. This is not only the cultural characteristics of our life today, but also the fundamental reason for forming the new aesthetic orientation of contemporary Chinese figure painting.
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