发布时间:2018-01-22 15:48
本文关键词: 宋代绘画 茶文化 品茶 茶画 出处:《福建茶叶》2017年11期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Tea is a traditional drink that has been handed down from ancient to present in our country. The tea tasting culture in ancient times has a close relationship with the characteristics of tea itself. Especially during the Song Dynasty, tea tasting is an elegant act of contemporary literati's taste of life. The people of Song Dynasty had a certain degree of attention to tea and the intention of promoting tea. And with the gradual development of tea culture. Tea tasting has gradually become a great act of elegance in people's daily life. According to the author's understanding of the ancient tea culture in China, combined with a number of relevant documents, the Song Dynasty tea painting as the background of the times. The paper analyzes the evolution process of tea painting in Song Dynasty and the development of tea culture in ancient times, and analyzes the artistic characteristics of tea culture in painting in detail according to the art of tea painting in Song Dynasty. This paper gives a brief summary of the influence and significance of tea painting in Song Dynasty on our country's present history and culture.
【作者单位】: 河北民族师范学院美术与设计学院;
【正文快照】: 茶墨之缘,渊远流长。在我国丰富多彩的历史朝代中,商业以及手工制作业的迅速发展在宋代得到了完美的体现,并且随着宋代的名流文人的笔风一转,大部分文人墨客都将自己的写作风格靠近于当代的文化重建以及文化习俗。这一现象直接导致了我国古代茶文化与绘画艺术在宋代期间得到了,