本文关键词: 中国美术馆 中国艺术研究院 国画院 展览 黄宾虹 意象 心象 岭南画派 参展艺术家 第一 出处:《美术观察》2017年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The resolution was passed by the leading group of the China Academy of painting of the Chinese Academy of Art, Submitted to the leadership of the Chinese Academy of Art for approval, the "Image of China", the 4th Academy of Chinese Art Exhibition of the Chinese Academy of Art and the "Huang Binhong academic nomination Award" exhibition and academic forum series will be held in the China Art Museum on 2018. Both of these events are organized by the Chinese Academy of Arts, The 4th Chinese Academy of Art Exhibition of the Chinese Academy of Art of the Chinese Academy of Art is the first exhibition of the Chinese Academy of Art of the Chinese Academy of Art following the first "Zhengda Weather" exhibition in 2007, and the second session of the second session of the "era" in 2010. "Exhibition", the third time after the exhibition of the third "clean and fragrant elephant" in 2013
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1 ;中国美术馆:更“国家”更“国际”[N];中国文化报;2005年
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