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发布时间:2018-02-24 20:17

  本文关键词: 民国北京画坛 “石涛热” 画学动向 写意画风流弊 文化心理 出处:《中央美术学院》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在民国北京画坛的研究中,发生于20世纪二三十年代的“石涛热”是值得详细梳理和认识的重要美术史现象。民国北京画坛“石涛热”继上海画坛“石涛热”之后兴起,却有着极具地域特征的特殊表现。本文从清代至民初石涛画史地位的变化入手,首先为民国北京画坛“石涛热”提供了前缘性的认识基础。经过了清末民初“石涛热”的预热期,民国北京画坛“石涛热”在发表、收藏,乃至实践、理论等层面全面展开,集中体现了诸家在师造化和尊个性方面对石涛的推崇和研习;另一方面,民国北京画坛也对“石涛热”引发的犷悍流弊有着一定的警惕性认识,且由此进一步勾连出对写意画风流弊的批评。 通过对民国北京画坛“石涛热”现象的铺陈归纳,揭示了从师造化、尊个性方面对石涛的推崇,以及从写意画风流弊角度对“石涛热”的警惕,这体现出民国北京画坛画学动向在不同层面的具体表现。而不论这一画学动向的表现如何复杂多样,其根本都与民国北京画坛的画学观念相关,,并在一定程度上受到特殊时代背景下文化心理的影响。
[Abstract]:In the study of the painting world in Beijing in the Republic of China, the "Shi Tao fever", which occurred in the 1920s and 1930s, is an important art history phenomenon that deserves to be combed and understood in detail. "Shi Tao fever" in the painting world of the Republic of China in Beijing rose after the "Shi Tao fever" in Shanghai painting world. This paper starts with the change of the historical status of the paintings of the stone waves from the Qing Dynasty to the early part of the Republic of China. First of all, it provides a leading understanding basis for the "Shi Tao fever" in the painting world of the Republic of China. After the pre-heating period of "Shi Tao fever" in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the "Shi Tao fever" in the painting world of the Republic of China in Beijing was published, collected, and even carried out in practice and theory. On the other hand, the painting circles of the Republic of China also have a certain degree of vigilance over the tough and perverse problems caused by "Shi Tao's fever". And from this further collate the criticism of the slanty of freehand brushwork. By summing up the phenomenon of "Shi Tao fever" in the painting world of the Republic of China in Beijing, this paper reveals the esteem of Shi Tao from the aspects of teachers' creation and respect for personality, as well as the vigilance of "Shi Tao's craze" from the angle of freehand brushwork. This reflects the concrete manifestation of the trend of painting in the painting world of the Republic of China at different levels, but no matter how complex and diverse the trend of painting is, it is fundamentally related to the concept of painting in the painting world of the Republic of China. To some extent, it is influenced by cultural psychology under the background of special times.


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