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发布时间:2018-02-25 09:06

  本文关键词: 工笔花鸟画 传统 当代 色彩 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国的绘画被称之为“丹青”。丹青指朱红和青色,也泛指绚烂的颜色,可见中国画中色彩的重要位置。而工笔花鸟画作为花鸟作品中一种表现形式,其表现的对象又是色彩缤纷的大自然,色彩理所当然成为组成画面的重要形式之一。前人对色彩早有重视和归纳。早期的工笔花鸟画的设色原则“随类赋彩”和“抒情性”就显现出鲜明的民族特征。而花鸟画的色彩运用从新石器时代就开始萌芽,到了五代北宋时期,很快达到了状物传神的高峰。后期由于成法所拘,因循守旧,渐渐走向衰颓。进入到二十世纪以后,中国画开始有了很大变化,以古润今,中外融合成为了工笔花鸟画色彩发展的大趋势。随着中国画风格和形式发生变化,工笔花鸟画家们要求突破和创新的呼声变得更加强烈,众多的艺术家们开始以色彩为突破口,不断创新和尝试,出现了当代工笔花鸟画多样化和个性化的色彩风格。 本文立足当下,多视角地分析了传统工笔花鸟画色彩的发展历史以及当代工笔画色彩的发展现状,目的是对中国花鸟画色彩运用定位及艺术特点有自己的思考,理清思路,希望工笔花鸟画走向更远、发展更快。
[Abstract]:Chinese painting is called "Danqing". Danqing refers to scarlet and cyan, but also refers to brilliant color, which shows the important position of color in Chinese painting. And fine brushwork flower and bird painting as a form of expression in the works of flowers and birds, The object of its performance is the colourful nature, Color naturally becomes one of the important forms of composition of the picture. The former people have already paid attention to and summarized the color. The principle of color setting in the early meticulous brushwork and bird painting showed distinct national characteristics along with the classification of color and lyricism. And the use of color in flower-and-bird paintings began to sprout in the Neolithic era. In the Northern Song Dynasty of the five dynasties, it quickly reached the peak of spiritual transmission. In the late period, due to the formation of the law, it was conventionally followed, and gradually went into decline. After entering 20th century, Chinese painting began to have great changes, with the ancient times and the present. With the change of style and form of traditional Chinese painting, the demand for breakthrough and innovation by painters has become stronger, and many artists have begun to take color as the breakthrough point. Constantly innovating and trying, the contemporary meticulous flower-and-bird painting has diversified and individualized color style. Based on the present situation, this paper analyzes the development history of the traditional fine brushwork flower and bird painting color and the present situation of the contemporary fine brush painting color development. The purpose of this paper is to think about the application orientation and the artistic characteristics of the Chinese flower and bird painting color, and to clear up the train of thought. I hope the fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting moves further and develops faster.


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