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发布时间:2018-03-23 10:09

  本文选题:油画创作 切入点:情感 出处:《云南艺术学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:绘画艺术是再现性与表现性统一的艺术形式,其表面是客观事物模写的再现,而本质则是艺术家自我内心情感表达。 绘画艺术作为通过自身独特的艺术本体语言组合成为一个整体的艺术种类,如线条、色彩、明暗、空间、体积等等。古典主义时期绘画艺术追求对自然的真实模写,艺术审美追求共性的理想美倾向。艺术的本体语言在强大的叙事性绘画中成为承载绘画语言的工具。而进入到现代主义绘画时期,艺术家在摆脱宏大叙事的同时,,开始向追求艺术本体语言的独立性,把握艺术形态的方向发展。抽象意义的作品开始出现,艺术家将组成的绘画的某种本体语言从所表达的物象中抽离出来,附加自身的性格、道德、生活、政治、哲学等多方面的素养,将艺术的内容与形式剥离开来,成为独立与叙事之外的表达形式。而在众多绘画本体语言的诸多元素中,线条的艺术感染力所传达出的视觉效果是显而易见的。 画家无论是表现生机盎然的大自然还是表现充满生命力的人体,线条和其他绘画语言一样,同样不可或缺。在表现客观物象的再创造过程中,随着迷人的色彩和充满感情的笔触被赋予到画面上,我们常常忘了那些“不起眼的线条”。正是利用这些“不起眼的线条”的方向、张力、冷暖、虚实、强弱成功的再现了客观物象的色彩变化、体面转折、肌理效果、空间层次,使之形成一个完美和谐的整体。这些“不起眼的线条”以各种形式(时而清晰、时而模糊、时而柔美、时而刚健)出现在油画中,伴随着画家内心世界中丰富情感。 中国传统绘画和西方绘画由于政治、经济、宗教、习俗等方面的差别,反映在绘画艺术上也是各不相同的。无论那种绘画体系在制作工序、绘画工具以及审美观念都是自成体系的。通过客观物象的形态的一致性,可以让我们看到中西方对待同样事物在绘画中线条运用的变化。
[Abstract]:Painting art is the unity of reproduction and expressiveness. Its surface is the representation of objective things, and the essence is the expression of the artist's inner feelings. Painting art as a whole through its own unique artistic Noumenon language combination, such as lines, colors, light and shade, space, volume and so on. The Noumenon language of art becomes the tool to carry the painting language in the powerful narrative painting. In the period of modernism painting, the artist gets rid of the grand narration at the same time. Began to pursue the independence of the artistic Noumenon language and to grasp the direction of the artistic form. Works of abstract significance began to appear, and the artist drew a certain Noumenon language of the composition painting from the object image expressed, adding his own personality. The qualities of morality, life, politics, philosophy and so on, which separate the content and form of art, become independent and non-narrative forms of expression. The visual effects of the artistic appeal of lines are obvious. No matter whether it is to express the vibrant nature or the body full of vitality, the line is as indispensable as any other painting language. In the process of re-creating the representation of objective objects, As charming colors and emotive strokes are given to the picture, we often forget the "unremarkable lines". It is the direction, tension, warmth, and reality of these "unremarkable lines" that we use. The strong and weak successfully recreate the color changes, decent transitions, texture effects, and spatial levels of the objective object to form a perfect and harmonious whole. These "unremarkable lines" take various forms (sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, It appears in oil painting, accompanied by rich emotions in the painter's inner world. The differences between traditional Chinese painting and Western painting are reflected in the differences in painting art due to the differences in politics, economy, religion, custom, etc. No matter what kind of painting system is used in the production process, Through the consistency of the form of objective objects, we can see the changes in the use of lines in painting by treating the same things in China and the West.


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