本文选题:油画 切入点:美术教育 出处:《陕西师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:油画最早起源于西方,20世纪初传至我国,当时正值国难当头,许多油画家拿起画笔,用绘画作为武器,反映国事,揭露战争和暴政,极大地发挥了教育人民,鼓舞斗志的作用。1942年,在《延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》的影响下,画家树立了为“工农兵服务”的理念,这种理念逐渐形成了中国的油画教育思想。在当今21世纪的新时代下,“新美术必须与人民结合”,油画必须具有广泛的社会教育意义,而其教育效果则应该是通过建构审美意识才能够实现。因此,本文从油画的审美视角出发,讨论油画在美术中的教育效果,重点阐述油画中的审美扩展性、油画审美教育的理论依据,以及提高油画欣赏能力的审美途径,同时以一些经典油画或当代的一些代表油画作品为例,进行油画审美教育的实践分析,目的是强化美术教育的效果,建立先进文化引领社会发展的审美意识和良好行为。 论文一共分为五个部分: 第1章为绪论部分,阐述了油画艺术中审美意识和美术教育的中西方概况以及本文的研究背景、研究目的、研究方法和意义,并提出本研究应该深入探讨的问题。 第2章,阐述了油画审美的理论依据,从皮亚杰的发生认知理论、考夫卡的格式塔理论、马斯洛的自我需要理论入手,分析了人们在欣赏油画过程中的审美意识发展特征,同时围绕油画的理论观点展开美术作品分析,进一步强化审美教育的意义。 第3章,阐述了油画审美意识中的扩展性教育作用,分析了审美认识与美术教育之间的关系,同时围绕本文主题从审美教育观点出发,以代表性油画作品为例,具体分析了文化品位与思想提升、艺术视野开放与专业共进、艺术情感性与教育性并重、生活情趣性与教育性兼有的发展理念,目的是提升审美综合能力。 第4章,围绕油画审美意识以及美术教育的意义,阐述了依据人类心理发展的规律以及油画作品的特征进行审美教育的途径和方法。通过审美教育途径,使人们能够更好地提升审美意识,从而美化心灵和环境,激发良好的社会感情,促进人与自然、人与人、人与社会之间的和谐发展。 第5章,为论文的结论部分,通过对油画的认知传达审美教育思想,并对今后的研究进行展望。
[Abstract]:Oil painting originated in the early 20th century in the West and spread to China at the time of the national disaster. Many oil painters took up their brushes, used painting as a weapon, reflected state affairs, exposed war and tyranny, and gave great play to educating the people. In 1942, under the influence of the speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium, the painter set up the idea of "serving workers, peasants and soldiers". This idea has gradually formed the Chinese oil painting education thought. In the new era of the 21st century, "the new art must be combined with the people", the oil painting must have extensive social education significance. Therefore, from the aesthetic perspective of oil painting, this paper discusses the educational effect of oil painting in fine arts, focusing on the aesthetic expansibility of oil painting. The theoretical basis of oil painting aesthetic education, as well as the aesthetic way to improve the appreciation ability of oil painting. At the same time, taking some classical oil paintings or some contemporary representative oil paintings as examples, the practical analysis of oil painting aesthetic education is carried out. The purpose is to strengthen the effect of art education and to establish the aesthetic consciousness and good behavior of advanced culture leading the development of society. The thesis is divided into five parts:. The first chapter is the introduction part, elaborated the oil painting art esthetic consciousness and the fine arts education Chinese and the western general situation as well as this article research background, the research goal, the research method and the significance, and proposed this research should thoroughly discuss the question. The second chapter expounds the theoretical basis of oil painting aesthetics, starting with Piaget's cognitive theory of occurrence, Coufka's Gestalt theory, Maslow's self-need theory, and analyzes the characteristics of aesthetic consciousness development in the process of appreciation of oil painting. At the same time, focusing on the theoretical point of view of oil painting art works analysis, further strengthen the significance of aesthetic education. In the third chapter, the author expounds the role of expanding education in the aesthetic consciousness of oil painting, analyzes the relationship between aesthetic cognition and art education, and takes the representative oil painting works as an example around the theme of this paper from the point of view of aesthetic education. This paper analyzes the development concept of cultural taste and thought promotion, art vision opening and professional development, artistic emotion and education, life interest and education, in order to enhance the comprehensive ability of aesthetic appreciation. Chapter 4, focusing on the aesthetic consciousness of oil painting and the significance of art education, expounds the ways and methods of aesthetic education according to the law of human psychological development and the characteristics of oil paintings. So that people can better enhance the aesthetic consciousness, thus beautify the heart and environment, stimulate good social feelings, and promote the harmonious development between man and nature, between man and man, between man and society. Chapter 5, as the conclusion of the thesis, conveys the aesthetic education thought through the cognition of oil painting, and prospects the future research.
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