本文选题:倪瓒 切入点:王蒙 出处:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:在中国的画坛上,倪瓒、王蒙与黄公望、吴镇被世人并称为“元代四大家”。纵观他们的绘画艺术创作经历与所取得的辉煌成就,画家在艺术创作过程中所体现出来的那种独特的绘画风格、艺术表现技法与其当时所处的特殊历史环境,自身坎坷波折的人生经历密不可分,镌刻着极为鲜明、深刻的时代烙印。因而针对逸品画的品评与鉴赏也就自然而然的形成了一种与前朝历代差别明显、甚为独特的审美品评标准。倪瓒的绘画艺术作品构图简洁爽朗、笔墨凝练超脱、意境幽远清逸,,画风清丽脱俗,充分体现出画家精深的道德文化修养和高逸豁达的人品格调。王蒙的绘画艺术作品构图繁密饱满、笔墨灵活多变、以书入画,创立了“解索皴”、“牛毛皴”等丰富灵活的绘画表现技法,开创了密体山水画艺术创作的崭新思路,为中国博大精深的山水画创作艺术再添一格独树一帜的形式美。 本论文开篇便是绪论,详细论述了论文选题的学术价值、选题来源、研究现状和所提出的创新观点。第一章,首先对倪瓒与王蒙的绘画艺术创作风格形成的根源抽丝剥茧,进行层层深入、细致的探究与解析,紧接着在第二、三章分别对倪瓒与王蒙在绘画艺术创作过程中所体现出来的独具匠心的笔墨艺术语言及个性特征进行更为详尽的剖析与阐述,第四章,分别选取倪瓒与王蒙的传世巨作《渔庄秋霁图》与《青卞隐居图》为范例,作为中国山水画艺术创作“疏简”与“繁密”二体的范本进行研究。着重于分别细致深入的分析、比较、探讨这两件艺术作品在构图、笔墨结构、笔致呼应和意境彰显等方面的表现手法及艺术特色。第五章,“疏简”与“繁密”二体各成意境,但有着共同的审美倾向与共通的艺术规律,无论是“疏简”还是“繁密”,均体现出我们古人在绘画艺术创作过程中所蕴涵的精深的文化道德修养和对形式美规律精确的认识与深入的把握。第六章,倪瓒与王蒙的山水画艺术创作对后世的影响与启示。最后部分是结语,重申倪瓒与王蒙这两位画坛巨匠在中国的山水画发展历程中所取得的令人瞩目的辉煌成就和为中国山水画的发展做出的突出贡献。
[Abstract]:In the Chinese painting world, Ni Zan, Wang Meng, Huang Gongwang and Wu Zhen are called "the four great houses of the Yuan Dynasty". The unique painting style embodied by the painter in the process of artistic creation, the artistic expression technique and the special historical environment in which he was at that time, are inseparable from his own ups and downs of life experience, and engraved with a very clear and distinct character. The profound brand of the times. Therefore, the evaluation and appreciation of the Yi Pin painting naturally formed a kind of aesthetic evaluation standard which was obviously different from the previous dynasties. Ni Zan's artistic works of painting were simple and refreshing in composition. The pen and ink are condensed and detached, the artistic conception is far and clear, and the painting style is clear and refined, which fully reflects the artist's profound moral and cultural accomplishment and the style of his character. Wang Meng's works of painting are dense and full of composition, flexible and changeable, and they enter the painting with books. It has created rich and flexible painting techniques, such as "unchapping", "cattle hair chapping" and so on. It has created a new way of thinking for the artistic creation of dense landscape painting, and added a unique style of beauty to the broad and profound artistic creation of landscape painting in China. The beginning of this paper is an introduction, which discusses in detail the academic value, the source, the current research situation and the innovative viewpoints of the thesis. Chapter 1, first of all, the origin of Ni Zan and Wang Meng's style of painting art creation is taken away from the cocoon. To make a deep, detailed exploration and analysis, followed by the second, Three chapters of Ni Zan and Wang Meng in the process of painting art reflected in the creative process of the original painting and ink art language and personality characteristics of a more detailed analysis and elaboration, the fourth chapter, Select Ni Zan and Wang Meng's masterpieces "Yuzhuang Qiuji" and "Qing Bian seclusion Pictures" as examples, respectively, as the model of Chinese landscape painting art creation "sparse simple" and "complex and dense". The emphasis is on the detailed and in-depth analysis, respectively, of the two types of Chinese landscape painting art creation, namely, "Yuzan Qiuji" and "Qing Bian seclusion". This paper compares the two works of art in terms of composition, brushwork structure, pen echo and artistic conception, etc. The fifth chapter, the artistic conception of "sparse simple" and "complex and dense" two types of artistic conception, But there is a common aesthetic tendency and a common art law, Whether it is "sparse brief" or "complicated", it embodies the profound cultural and moral accomplishment and the accurate understanding and deep grasp of the law of formal beauty in the process of painting art creation of our ancients. Ni Zan and Wang Meng's artistic creation of landscape painting influence and enlightenment on later generations. The last part is the conclusion. It reiterates the outstanding achievements made by Ni Zan and Wang Meng in the development of Chinese landscape painting and their outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese landscape painting.
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