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发布时间:2018-04-14 04:20

  本文选题:“城市风景画” + “艺术特点” ; 参考:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在田园风光为人们所向往的今天,城市风景这一题材在当代艺术的表现中似乎处于一种无需过多关注、若有若无的状态。画界对其缺乏系统的研究和探讨,作品比较零散,对于城市风景画的表现均较少有成法可依,但是城市风景画有着其历史也有着顽强的生命力。 了解针对目前城市风景的发展现状,本文将致力于对城市风景画更加全面细致的分析和探讨。本论文的研究内容主要分为三方面,首先主要对城市风景油画的溯源及历史发展脉络进行梳理和总结,这一部分主要是对美术史中的画家及画派作品进行学习,从而对城市风景画有个大致的认识和了解。其次是对城市风景画的艺术特点和表现形式进行归纳,城市风景画较之乡土题材有着其自身独特的表现形式。主要表现为建筑的视觉转换、形式结构的不同和审美意味等。在表现形式上根据自己的判断将城市风景画分为印象城市、山水城市、写实城市三类,并且选出具有代表性的画家及作品进行深入的分析,增强对城市风景画的认识和理解。最后是对城市风景油画的创作探讨,结合自己对城市风景油画的理解,进行实践创作,绘出具有时代感的作品,希望通过作品让人们关注到城市美好的一面,对城市艺术的发展方向有推进作用,让我们了解城市也可表现,探索出城市风景油画更深的内涵。
[Abstract]:In the pastoral scenery people yearn for today, the theme of urban landscape in the performance of contemporary art seems to be in a state that does not need too much attention, if there is nothing.The painting circle lacks systematic research and discussion, the works are scattered, the performance of the urban landscape painting is less to be based on, but the urban landscape painting has its history and tenacious vitality.In view of the current situation of urban landscape development, this paper will focus on more comprehensive and detailed analysis and discussion of urban landscape painting.The research content of this thesis is mainly divided into three aspects. Firstly, it combs and summarizes the origin and historical development of urban landscape oil painting. This part mainly studies the painters and paintings in the history of fine arts.Thus there is a general understanding and understanding of urban landscape painting.Secondly, it sums up the artistic characteristics and expression forms of urban landscape painting, which has its own unique form of expression compared with the local theme.The main performance is the visual transformation of architecture, the difference of formal structure and aesthetic meaning.According to their own judgment, the urban landscape painting is divided into three categories: impression city, landscape city and realistic city, and the representative painters and works are selected for in-depth analysis to enhance the understanding and understanding of urban landscape painting.Finally, it discusses the creation of urban landscape oil painting, combines its own understanding of urban landscape oil painting, carries out practical creation, draws works with a sense of the times, and hopes to make people pay attention to the beautiful side of the city through their works.Promote the development of urban art, let us understand the city can also be expressed, explore the deeper connotation of urban landscape oil painting.


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