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发布时间:2018-04-18 23:33

  本文选题:潘玉良 + 女性意识 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:关于女性意识及女性艺术家的问题,不能把它作为一个孤立的问题去探讨去研究,它的形成和发展必定会受到一定的历史、文化、社会等因素的影响。本文所谈及的潘玉良绘画中的女性意识是在民国时期女性解放和西方民主思想传入中国的大浪潮下所发生和发展的,因此把她放在民国时期的背景下进行探讨对于我们更好地把握其绘画作品中的女性意识有着极大的帮助。本文从女性的角度对潘玉良漫漫艺术人生中绘画作品中女性意识的分析以了解女性意识特征的独特之处,体验潘玉良如何在西风东渐时期取长补短并探索出自己的价值取向,对潘玉良具有女性意识的各方面题材的绘画做了进一步的研究,把它们放置在她所在的时代背景中,让我们能从女性的角度重新审视她的作品,并从女性的角度来分析和探讨潘玉良绘画中具有女性意识的来龙去脉。使更多的读者能够进一步地认识潘玉良,了解她除了有传奇身世之外,她还有更为人感动的执著的艺术精神和美轮美奂的艺术世界。在分析潘玉良作品的同时,本文旨在挖掘其作品的精神内涵,使人们能够更加了解潘玉良的绘画作品及其艺术价值,并总结潘玉良绘画作品对女性艺术发展的影响和启示。 本文共分五章:第一章主要对本课题的研究现状、要解决的问题和本研究的意义进行了阐述;第二章重在对潘玉良绘画中的女性意识进行分析,以此为下文的写作奠定基础;第三章则对潘玉良绘画中女性意识产生的原因进行了剖析,并通过图像对比、文献资料佐证的方法进行了必要的论证;第四章旨在揭示潘玉良绘画当中的女性意识对于后世的影响;第五章则对本文的研究内容进行了最后的总结与概括,再次阐明要点。
[Abstract]:The problem of female consciousness and female artists should not be studied as an isolated problem. Its formation and development must be influenced by some factors such as history, culture, society and so on.The female consciousness in Pan Yuliang's paintings was developed in the great tide of the liberation of women and the introduction of western democratic thought into China in the period of the Republic of China.Therefore, putting her in the background of the Republic of China is of great help to us to better grasp the female consciousness in her paintings.This paper analyzes Pan Yuliang's female consciousness in his long artistic life from a female perspective in order to understand the unique features of female consciousness, and to experience how Pan Yuliang learned from each other in the period of westward development and explored his own value orientation.Pan Yuliang's paintings of various subjects with feminine consciousness have been further studied and placed in the background of her time, so that we can re-examine her works from the perspective of women.And from the perspective of women to analyze and discuss Pan Yuliang painting with female consciousness.So that more readers can further understand Pan Yuliang, in addition to her legendary history, she also has a more touching persistent artistic spirit and beautiful artistic world.While analyzing Pan Yuliang's works, the purpose of this paper is to excavate the spiritual connotation of his works, to make people understand Pan Yuliang's paintings and their artistic value, and to sum up the influence and enlightenment of Pan Yuliang's paintings on the development of female art.This paper is divided into five chapters: the first chapter focuses on the research status quo of this topic, the problems to be solved and the significance of this study, the second chapter focuses on the analysis of the female consciousness in Pan Yuliang's paintings, thus laying the foundation for the following writing;The third chapter analyzes the causes of female consciousness in Pan Yuliang's painting, and through the image comparison, the method of documentary evidence is necessary to demonstrate;The fourth chapter aims to reveal the impact of female consciousness on later generations in Pan Yuliang painting; the fifth chapter summarizes and summarizes the research content of this paper and clarifies the main points again.


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