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发布时间:2018-04-26 10:46

  本文选题:陈抱一 + 现代油画家 ; 参考:《江西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:陈抱一生于1893年,卒于1945年。简短的一生,却处在两个世纪交汇点,经历了封建王朝的覆灭,看到了华夏大地饱受着欺凌,,也见证了中华民族的变革大潮。他是二十世纪中国早期油画的开拓者之一,和当时许多知识分子一样,积极投入中国近代留学运动的洪流中,抱着挽救中华民族文化的理想两度负笈东洋,接受西方艺术思潮的洗礼。留日归国后,陈抱一先后组办了东方画会、晨光美术会、f^阳美术院、默社等。而他参与教学的学校有上海图画美术院(后改名上海美术专门学校)、神州女学图画科、上海大学美术科、上海艺术师范学校、中华艺术大学、立达学园等。他积极组建美术社团,大力推进、传播西画教育,进行了多种创新实践与教育模式的尝试,带动了当时一批莘莘学子的艺术求学思潮,为中国早期油画的发展起到了重要作用,尤其在民国初年的上海美术教育领域作出了卓越的贡献。陈抱一虽然英年早逝,但是生前的艺术实践和教育活动给当时上海的油画界、乃至中国美术界都带来了非常多的影响。 本文引言部分,阐述本论文研究的意义、概述国内外有关陈抱一的研究现状、并且分析了本论文的研究难点与创新之处,对全文的研究重点和基本结构进行了概括。论文部分分为四个章节。第一章概述了陈抱一的生平,通过他的身世、家人以及晚境对他的生平进行一个了解;第二章论述的是学画经历,主要是呈现陈抱一两次负笈东洋的经历;第三章重点关注陈抱一的艺术实践与教育活动;第四章则是分析陈抱一的艺术风格和教育理论。 虽然,陈抱一为中国新美术的发展努力奔走,做出了种种贡献。但是,由于各种客观原因,陈抱一并没有被历史详细记载。从他的生平活动,我们不难发现,陈抱一对于中国早期的油画和美术教育所起的影响以及所做的贡献是巨大的。笔者在文章中试图通过对陈抱一年表的梳理,回到历史语境去还原真实的陈抱一,理清陈抱一生平的艺术成就以及对中国早期美术教育所做的贡献和影响,同时也能让大家对二十世纪初的美术活动以及美术教育有进一步的了解。
[Abstract]:Chen Baoyi was born in 1893 and died in 1945. Short life, but in the intersection of two centuries, experienced the fall of the feudal dynasty, saw the land of China suffered bullying, but also witnessed the great tide of change of the Chinese nation. He was one of the pioneers of early Chinese oil painting in the 20th century. Like many intellectuals at that time, he was actively involved in the flood of Chinese study abroad movement in modern times, holding the ideal of saving the Chinese nation's culture. Accept the baptism of western art trend. After returning to Japan, Chen Baoyi organized the Oriental painting Society, the Morning Light Art Association, the Yang Academy of Fine Arts, the Mercy Society, and so on. The schools in which he participated in teaching were Shanghai Academy of Picture and Fine Arts (later renamed Shanghai specialized School of Fine Arts, Shenzhou Women's School of Picture, Shanghai University of Fine Arts, Shanghai Art normal School, China University of Art, Lida School, etc.) He actively set up art societies, vigorously promoted and disseminated the education of Western painting, carried out a variety of innovative practices and educational models, led a group of students at that time to the trend of art study, and played an important role in the development of early Chinese oil painting. Especially in the early years of the Republic of China in the field of Shanghai fine arts education made outstanding contributions. Although Chen Baoyi died young, his artistic practice and educational activities brought a lot of influence to the oil painting circles in Shanghai and even to the Chinese art circles at that time. In the preface of this paper, the significance of this paper is expounded, the research status of Chen Baoyi at home and abroad is summarized, the research difficulties and innovations of this paper are analyzed, and the research emphases and basic structure of the thesis are summarized. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter summarizes the life of Chen Baoyi, through his life, his family and the late environment to understand his life, the second chapter discusses the experience of learning painting, mainly presents Chen Baoyi's two experiences of studying Dongyang; The third chapter focuses on Chen Baoyi's art practice and educational activities, and the fourth chapter analyzes Chen Baoyi's artistic style and educational theory. Although, Chen Baoyi for the development of new Chinese fine arts efforts to run, made a variety of contributions. However, due to various objective reasons, Chen Baoyi has not been recorded in detail by history. From his life activities, it is not difficult to find that Chen Baoyi's influence and contribution to the early Chinese oil painting and art education are great. In this paper, I try to analyze Chen Baoyi's chronology, return to the historical context to restore the true Chen Baoyi, clarify Chen Baoyi's artistic achievements in his life and his contribution and influence to the early art education in China. At the same time, we can also get a better understanding of the art activities and art education in the early 20 th century.


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