本文选题:架上绘画 + 生存与发展 ; 参考:《大连工业大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:作为一个即将踏入现代城市社会,通过专业谋生的美术学专业研究生,面对极其有限的职业发展选择,我不禁常常思考,在我们所生存的这个时代背景下,“架上绘画”的生存空间是何等“惨烈”的一种境况;而如我一样的年轻美术从业者,在这样一个越来越快餐化、电子化、多元化的社会环境中,又究竟该何去何从?这即是我撰写本论文的初衷与切入点,将重点阐述“架上绘画”在当今中国社会的生存与发展空间的现状与未来前景。 都市的高速发展、科技的不断进步、大众文化的繁荣兴盛,导致艺术领域新的问题层出不穷。当代社会可以说是大众文化日益向高级艺术渗透,甚至取代高级艺术的时代。传媒作为当代社会公众文化消费的主要方式具有很大的影响力,公众接受高级和严肃的艺术,多数时候是通过传媒途径,这使得如架上绘画的“纯艺术”被大多数人群所遗忘和忽视。但作为一名绘画艺术的从业者,我仍然对架上绘画的未来持有乐观的态度,一如何多苓先生所言,时代是前进的,一切都要与时俱进,现在是多媒体时代,新事物的来源都是全方位的。所以光是一个‘架上’早就不能满足绘画的需求了。最早绘画史为记录人的形象而存在,照相机出现后替代了这个功能。所以,就这点来说,,平面绘画的作用早就已经被改变了。现在更进步的摄像机、电影都出现了,很多都是这种架上画无法比的。但是我觉得,架上绘画的静止性,也是很多东西无法比的。它放在那里,你可以永远的看下去,在不同的人,不同的时候,看起来有不同的感受,这也是它存在的价值。所以,我认为,架上绘画不会死亡,会流传下去。 与此同时,关于架上绘画灭亡与生存之争在今天仍然没有停止,也就说明架上绘画在目前还有它的现实意义,也就有讨论的必要。本文中,将就架上绘画在当代社会所受到的冲击和影响展开分析,从而提出关于架上绘画的改进建议使之获得新发展空间的可能。最后将通过当代成功艺术家代表对架上绘画的新尝试和艺术坚持的案例分析,给出架上绘画艺术家在面对架上绘画的生存问题所应具有的一种态度。
[Abstract]:As a graduate student of fine arts who is about to enter the modern urban society and earn a living through his major, facing the extremely limited choice of career development, I can not help but often think about the background of the times in which we live. The living space of "painting on the shelf" is such a "tragic" situation; and in such an increasingly fast-food, electronic and pluralistic social environment, what should be done for young art practitioners like me?. What should be done?. This is the original intention and breakthrough point of my writing this paper, which will focus on the present situation and future prospect of the living and developing space of "frame painting" in Chinese society. The rapid development of the city, the continuous progress of science and technology and the prosperity of popular culture lead to new problems in the field of art. The contemporary society can be said to be the era in which popular culture is increasingly infiltrating into and even replacing advanced art. As the main way of cultural consumption in contemporary society, the media has great influence. The public accepts advanced and serious art, most of the time through the media. This makes the "pure art", such as frame painting, forgotten and ignored by most people. But as a painting artist, I still have an optimistic attitude towards the future of shelf painting. As Mr. how Duoling said, the times are advancing, everything must keep pace with the times, and now is the multimedia age. New things come from all directions. So a'shelf 'alone could not satisfy the needs of painting. The earliest history of painting existed to record people's images, which was replaced by cameras. Therefore, on this point, the role of graphic painting has long been changed. Now there are more progressive cameras, movies, many of which are beyond the reach of this kind of frame painting. But I feel that the stillness of frame painting is also beyond the reach of many things. It's there, you can look at it forever, it looks different in different people, at different times, and that's the value of its existence. Therefore, I think, shelf painting will not die, will continue. At the same time, the struggle about the perishing and survival of the frame painting is still not stopped today, which means that the shelf painting still has its practical significance at present, so it is necessary to discuss it. In this paper, the impact and influence of frame painting on contemporary society will be analyzed, and suggestions for improvement of frame painting will be put forward to make it possible to acquire new development space. Finally, through the new attempt and the case analysis of the art persistence of the contemporary successful artists, this paper gives a kind of attitude that the artists should have in the face of the living problems of the paintings on the shelf.
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