本文选题:动画造型 + 中国学派 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:动画造型在动画作品中有着尤其重要的作用,其风格也将直接影响整部作品的艺术风格。中国老一辈艺术家经过不断的摸索与创新,将京剧脸谱、水墨画等中国传统文化成功的引入到动画造型艺术风格之中,从而造就了中国动画曾经的辉煌历史,也就此得到了“中国学派”的美誉。然而随着时代变迁,社会的发展,美日商业动画进军中国,这对一直崇尚艺术片创作的中国动画产生了很大的冲击。由于艺术动画相比于商业动画缺少市场竞争力,使“中国学派”逐渐走向衰落。美日在中国推出的一系列动画明星,如米老鼠、唐老鸭、阿童木等迅速成为了国人追捧的偶像。 由于深受美日动画风格影响,中国年轻的动画创作者的审美取向开始发生变化,在造型设计上大量效仿美日风格。由于一味的模仿,对传统文化认识不足,更缺乏创新精神,所以大多数作品并不能满足时代的审美需求。因此,正确认识传统文化,了解民族化的造型艺术风格对中国动画发展的重要性就显得尤为重要。 美日一直处于世界动画的霸主地位,他们的动画产业之所以长久不衰,就是因为他们在拥有完整产业链的同时,,善于技术和艺术的创新,对动画造型风格的把握上始终坚持走民族化路线,其民族思想、审美文化在作品中都有充分的体现。因此,中国动画造型风格的发展有必要借鉴美日动画的成功经验,结合“中国学派”的发展历史,探寻出一条适合中国民族动画造型风格的发展之路。
[Abstract]:Animation modeling plays a very important role in animation works, and its style will directly affect the artistic style of the whole work. Through constant exploration and innovation, the older generation of Chinese artists successfully introduced traditional Chinese culture, such as Peking Opera facial composition and ink painting, into the style of animation and plastic arts, thus creating the glorious history of Chinese animation. It also gained the reputation of "Chinese School". However, with the change of times and the development of society, American and Japanese commercial animation entered into China, which has a great impact on the Chinese animation which has always advocated the creation of art films. Due to the lack of market competitiveness of art animation compared with commercial animation, the Chinese school has gradually declined. A series of American and Japanese animation stars, such as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Astro Boy, have quickly become popular icons in China. Influenced by American and Japanese animation style, the aesthetic orientation of young animation creators in China began to change, and American and Japanese styles were widely imitated in modeling design. Because of blindly imitating, lack of understanding of traditional culture and lack of innovative spirit, most works can not meet the aesthetic needs of the times. Therefore, it is particularly important to correctly understand traditional culture and understand the importance of nationalized plastic arts to the development of Chinese animation. The United States and Japan have always been in the dominant position of animation in the world. The reason why their animation industry has survived for a long time is that they are good at technological and artistic innovation while they have a complete industrial chain. On the grasp of animation modeling style, always adhere to the nationalization line, its national thought, aesthetic culture are fully reflected in the works. Therefore, it is necessary for the development of Chinese animation modeling style to draw lessons from the successful experience of American and Japanese animation, and to explore a suitable way for the development of Chinese national animation modeling style based on the development history of "Chinese school".
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